
Posts Tagged ‘John Calhoun’

Renunciation/Abandonment/Surrender of United States Citizenship

December 3, 2019 Leave a comment


Renunciation/Abandonment of Citizenship Under the Empire of the United States

My reasons for renunciation of American citizenship are as follows:

  • The brutal marginalized discrimination I experienced in America as a Non Persona Grata impoverished Asian American immigrant in South Carolina, in addition to the historical record of inhuman slavery in American cultural and religious history.
  • It also derives from American Protestantism’s disgusting bigotry and poisonous danger to all of humankind worldwide.
  • My renunciation or abandonment of American citizenship also derives from a personal tragedy pertaining to the deportation of a precious former wife and  tragic miscarriage of a child, after being mercilessly targeted by ICE and the South Carolina Department of Social Services, simultaneously, in consequence to my political activism in South Carolina. I can not forgive my nation ever.
  • It comes from the blatant and emetic injustices in Palestine and Jordan and Iraq, betrayal of the Kurds three times, the unjustified and evil aggression against the nation of Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and others in the Middle East, which have consequently decimated such nations and irreparably destroyed innocent lives, and the wrongful conviction of Ziyad Yaghi.
  • Finally, my act is based upon my sincere belief that American empire “must” be destroyed for world peace to progress and that every human has a right to choose his or her own nation, and to not be bound by the chains and slavery of nationalism, but instead be free and sovereign as a human should. 

Taiyo Wayne Davis

Written in Erbil, Iraq 

March 10, 2019

Table of Contents



Early Life – Persona Non Grata: Poor Japanese American

Slavery and Racism in South Carolina

American Christian Bigotry

Deportation of Wife, Miscarriage of Child, and Child Support Due to Political Punishment

Injustice of Palestine/Israel

Ziyad Yaghi Wrongful Conviction

Corruption in the Hashemite Dictatorship of Jordan and Neglect of Syrian Refugees

Neglect of Indigenous in Iraq and Destruction of Iraq

American Empire Must Be Destroyed

Nationalism and World Citizenship – Albert Einstein, Jean Paul Sarte



It is incumbent upon me out of obligation to conscience to aver that I, Taiyo Wayne Davis, as a HUMAN FIRST, a World Citizen next, a Sovereign, formally renounce my enslavement referred to as American citizenship and all my consequent attachments to the Empire of the United States of America.

Though this process requires official “formal” announcement at a local U.S. Embassy near me, it is from real fear and danger of persecution or/and a Jamal Kashoggi incident, by the American agents at such “castles,” which may seriously jeopardize the security and welfare of my life, friends, and family wherein it absolutely necessitates this unorthodox manner.  Never ever trust Americans or the Empire of the United States. They really are innately evil. Ask the Kurds.

I employ “real fear and danger,” in consequence to the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and South Carolina Department of Social Services targeting me simultaneously in 2009 in South Carolina, in consequence to my religious conversion (Islam) and political activism (Palestine). This resulted in the unlawful deportation of a former wife, tragic miscarriage of a child, and financial debt of which I was coerced by the South Carolina Department of Social Services to accept, while in an unfit mental state due to a deportation and miscarriage.

It also results from near death poisoning in Amman, Jordan and eight Jordanian Intelligence agents raiding my apartment in Amman, Jordan, in a rendition attempt which failed and resulted in my temporary deportation to Northern Iraq/Kurdistan.

My fear also results in an utter failed attempt to rendition and deport me again, while employed in Northern Iraq/Kurdistan at an American School. In the deportation attempts in Amman, Jordan and Northern, Iraq, both were aimed to silently and discreetly interrogate me and deport me, away from my current wife, to the Empire of the United States of America.

(The founder of the scientific method)


I am not a dangerous Roman emperor, deserving of assassination. I am a simple very flawed human. Yet I cut to the chase with my renunciation now, according to the undeniable laws of precious human nature which unite humans in nations across this globe and of nature’s God, so as to avoid Et Tu Brute?

If I may not and cannot, possess or materialize my innate human rights, without a nation’s citizenship, then the former exists in superficial title only and we all absolutely should cease pressing human rights against our naïve lips, as hypocrites. As the United Nations.

It also translates into the latter, nationalism, is a clear danger to humankind today.

As Voltaire stated, “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

We prudent humans, those few of us resistant to apathy and with loud beating hearts pounding louder than Nationalism’s indoctrination still,  should risk suffrage and earnestly seek to boldly shackle this barbaric plague, this savage pit bull, as nationalism has done in antiquity and it persists to do to humankind today.

Place nationalism under the leash, as it does us all.

Finally, if I cannot escape and survive the Empire of the United States and consciously relinquish its toilet fecal hypocritical citizenship, it also undeniably demonstrates that “real” Human Rights existed in Iran centuries prior, from the noble presence of the great Cyrus, not underneath the Empire of the United States or its bastard, the United Nations today.

May we place true trust in the Cyrus Cylinder, as opposed to Eleanor Roosevelt’s lies within the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights). The former is our only Constitution according to contemporary reality.

Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus.

Though all government is a necessary evil as Samuel Adams warned, is it our God? Or are we sovereigns? Are we humans?

Or is government a tolerable instrument alone for our own selfish benefits, which occasionally throughout history has strongly proven, in the wrong callous immature hands of an ignorant and spoiled useless wealthy class often confusing their modern cherished bloodline as indicative of God-like deism, intolerable?

Acta Deos Numquam mortalia Fallunt

God graciously created all as one, a single continent called Pangea, a single tribe separated by languages when King Nimrod built the Tower of Babel. Consequently, God punished all humankind for foolishly following an evil leader, as we follow foolish dictators of contemporary developed and developing nations.

For if one sincerely reads the Bible, Torah, and Quran, together; one suddenly discovers the exact derivative behind the great flooding of the Tower of Babel and consequent dividing of humankind in comprehension, by God creating various incomprehensible languages.

By perusing all monotheistic texts, we learn true solid knowledge, that King Nimrod was the very first to eat meat and ruthlessly kill others for Empire. We discover he attempted to immolate the prophet Abraham. We discover God punished King Nimrod and his followers for not seeking to outdo the glory of God, to better humankind, but because King Nimrod wholeheartedly hated God.

Humans, grownups today, still are of children’s minds. The gracious creators above still disappointingly mock, entertainingly laugh, and shake heads in disgust as to our immature and cavemen thinking in regards to calling ourselves Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Or Americans, Lebanese etc.

These homo habillis of today, refuse to neither learn from each other nor combine the holy texts of the same God.

To promulgate a Collective Consciousness. To return to our origin. Our nature. Cowards profit and selfish grown children feel secure, by dividing us humans still, into small identities.

In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt.


Instead, today, we will die, and murder, and steal lands, and refuse to acknowledge the human suffering of humans not within those selfish and childish small identities, if they refuse to blindly believe in a single human prophet we selfishly favor, yet created by the same God. And to do so despite there are 124,000 prophets in Islam, 49 in Judaism, 85 in the Bible, and 4,200 religions in the world.

Can human intellect be so gossamer pathetic than the preceding? We all should fear such primitive humans of today.

I find no folly more plainly asinine and eye brow raising emetic and cowardly untruthful, than human propensity to manipulate religion and nationalism and race, for personal gain in order to conceal one’s own utter failures and innate weaknesses.

How pathetic in the nature of men and women today, to farcically  manipulate religious bigotry and national chauvinism to one’s own benefit. These modern Peter the Hermits of the Crusades are completely oblivious , brainwashed children. Only a weak, cowardly, useless bunch of humans , already granted material objects and sinecures from family, need devote such gossamer insincere loyalty toward those ideologies to secure their fortunes in life.

And I warn you, they will emotionlessly sacrifice your own life  and those of your loved ones, on their altars of ignorant and emetic hubris. National, race, religion, avarice, etc. This is what makes them evil.

“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer

I, on the other, declare, there is one God, all prophets are below God. There is no King but God. And nations and governments are beneath that God, and the natural rights implanted therein us. Isn’t that how the Empire of the United States was founded, prior to its unfortunate transition in the 1900s under William McKinley?

Omnia imperii cadunt



Although America ridiculously claims to not be under akin alluring trance of a dangerous nationalism’s woes and ills, as it  hypocritically criticizes of Iran and North Korea, it absolutely is to lesser extent regularly, and in cases as mine, equal extent.

Only those who are bold facedly corrupt, childishly ignorant, and emetically hedonistic, America’s bitches and grown obese children, would not comprehend the preceding, and predictively, condemn this outright.

I hope a few will honestly though, be valiantly perspicacious and solidly intelligent enough, with piercing desire for truth as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, to not callously and foolishly place an iota of trust in the Western media. It is simply an Operation Mockingbird, as Reporter Deborah Davis revealed, solely designed to convince the public that the West’s economic and political system is the best and only answer to humankind.  As in Plato’s allegory of a cave.

It isn’t by far! It’s a complete lie. Europe proves so. We all can do much better as humans. The developing world can do better, if given an honest chance by their corrupt leaders, who are our puppets.

America only heralds a system of antiquated government, Roman Republicanism and Greek Democracy, which absolutely in totality, failed in Rome and Greece, but is now unnervingly revived with few modifications today. And like its progenitors, it will unknowingly birth its own sickness, leading to its own demise.

It is not immigration control, it is lazy hedonism and trance-like decadence. Empire produces such throughout history when the spoils of war go to the conquerors. They lose sight of God and discipline. America’s first mistake was William McKinley.

Ut Sementum feceris ita metes

And this faux paux Capitalism is nothing anew. Humans throughout history have placed money above God , morality and ethics, and social responsibility. Adam Smith is only a strange name in the annals of history, celebrated by white closet racists and Roman enthusiasts  who have more leisure time than sense.

As to the point:

The following are detailed explanations as to why I have meticulously planned and executed my final declaration: You will see, it was a slow and thoughtful development.


Early Life – Persona Non Grata: Poor Japanese American

My immigration to the United States with my handicapped mother, the latter with a hernia and broken back, was an arduous ordeal. Not a blessing by Lady Tramp Liberty. While the less perspicacious and baseless ignorant, view America as a bright beacon of liberty and equality, it’s a calumny. A farcical contemptuous mirage at hyperbolic best!

Procidat Deceptionem

My miscreant father, a retired U.S. Marine and Vietnam vet, was a pathetic Deadbeat. Not the ones regularly falsely accused of such pejorative. Nearly 80 percent of dads don’t have the money.

On the contrary, it’s not that he didn’t possess money. He simply abandoned my mother and me in Japan, absconding to the Empire of the United States. He had no warrant for arrest. He just left a spoil of war, my mother.

The South Carolina Department of Social Services never sought to ascertain Child Support from him. He is white and served his country enough, I assume. And foreign women, to American feminists, are unequal to them, they are perceived as cheap, despite all the feminist rhetoric. I’ve witnessed the preceding numerous times. My mother would have to remarry another military man, forimmigration.

Nevertheless, I casually learned the following in the Empire of the United States.

Racism against immigrants, Hispanics and Asian Americans are painted perpetual foreigners rather than citizens, is as dangerous, or even more, than racism against African Americans. But not as harmful as the racism against Native Americans (the indigenous), who are completely ignored in the American press.

Eg. Native Americans are shot and killed by law enforcement officers more so than African Americans, yet police shootings of the latter demographic inundates the media. Also, Native Americans lands have been and are still stolen today, without a single yelp by the majority of Americans.

Immigrants are “always” valued lesser than humans by African and Caucasian Americans. Often our legitimate complaints of injustice and discrimination, are attenuatingly answered with, “Go back to your country,” or “This isn’t your country anyway.”  We sadly receive much less coverage in the news, when we face injustice and discrimination.

Unless we are being wrongfully deported in mass numbers.

I unfortunately experienced the poisonous and subtle , yet extremely palpable and salient, discrimination against Asian Americans, since a curious youth in the amazing land of the free, America.

I pray Amerigo Vespucci is in hell.

My noble military stepfather raped my defenseless fragile mother, twice. Graciously sent me to the hospital when a defenseless child, after vainly attempting to defend her. Hospital visits were the extremity of regular beatings though.

My precious mother once reported the beatings and rape to an African American Military Police (MP) officer, this MP warned she would be deported, if my stepfather divorced my mother. I would be alone in America without her. A white Catholic priest comforted us by bravely declaring, he would save us by prayer. The U.S.military responded by docking my stepfather’s pay, which made things worse economically and physically.

I also recollect my stepfather, bringing his new white girlfriend into our home, of course against my mother’s vehement objections and complaints. He retorted, pressing the point of how valueless we were, by aggressively throwing our German Shepherd’s tiny newborn puppies into the nearby creek.  A neighbor rushed to save them, while exclaiming insults. Today, I now hate all animal abusers.

My mother capitulated to his new white prostitute, which was, truth be told, worse than a beating, I witnessed her dignity vanish.  I also recollect how my step father would teach me chess, by eagle eye forcing me to mimic the movement of its minute pieces, under the threat of violent physical punishment, if I innocently erred.

That was our value in America. That’s how much humanity the Empire of the United States of America possesses .We weren’t humans under their precious Jesus, under their brilliant antiquated failed Roman Republican and Greek Democratic deception.

Rape, physical abuse, extra marital affairs, poverty, humiliation, and more are what documented and undocumented  immigrants normally endure silently, just for a single pathetic chance at fictitious American  freedom and avoiding cruel deportation like my mother, in consequence to divorce.

And we enjoy no reprieve or compassion from American racism toward us either.


My mother never divorced, but rightfully fled my step father to South Carolina.  There, I was christened with an alternative racism. In consequence to Asian Americans’ small numbers, being separated rather than in strong ethnic communities, with few exceptions, we are much more vulnerable.

There aren’t sufficient numbers for adequate protection.

And experiencing poverty in the anti-Christ South Carolina as an Asian American, amplifies the preceding disadvantage. Whites and blacks are discreetly at each others’ throats, we “other” minorities attempt to hopefully veer clear of such vitriolic hostility, as much as humanely possible.

When I lived in a predominantly white neighborhood, I remember victory in a physical confrontation was rewarded, by another modern white knight gallantly demanding a second fight, immediately following exhaustion.

That was an unfair yet certain way to assure whites remained the higher echelon of the Caucasian Pekin Order.

When I dwelled in a predominantly African American neighborhood, despite the atrocious history of lynching against African Americans by white mob violence,  I was rat-packed when clearly winning a fight once. Rat-packed is the street term which means several people mercilessly lynch or ferociously strike you simultaneously, until you are unavoidably rendered helpless or unconscious on the ground.

This was the African American manner to guarantee African American dominance.

No one aided in either scenario. No Asian American was around.


I admit, my experience is non-normative in that I had no siblings in the same household, no real intimate family support network or father-figure, and we were spotted leopard pariahs as lone immigrant Asian Americans, in a Caucasian and African American concrete jungle, within the Bible Whip of South Carolina.

While the news focuses primarily on the successful Model Minority Asian Americans, the poor Asian American narrative is completely absent from the annals of American history. We are a Where’s Waldo and bastard child neglected and despised breed.

History, popular fad, and Hollywood, all ignore our kind. Our inhumane suffering. We’re not Americans We’re not even humans. We are the minority of the minority, in the Empire of the United States.

Even in the wealthier part of where I lived in Beaufort County, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Asian Americans still face such cult-like discrimination by the bastard seeds of the evil Confederacy.

Black and white children are indoctrinated early to sing racist songs and formulate racist snide remarks , Constantly reminding us of our lesser place within their competitive concrete jungle.

Black and white children, both,

  • Would use their forefingers to childishly stretch their eyes in 45 degree angles as to mimic Asian eyes (I didn’t have slanted eyes but still received such treatment)
  • Occasionally, lip synch as in Chinese films and emit strange howls and noises in gleeful yet malicious laughter while attempting to imitate Asian languages. Thus separate us from our roots, by shaming us to even desire learning such languages.
  • They would emasculate us by joking of Asian male genitalia size.
  • They would spread gossip we eat cockroaches or fish heads to dehumanize us.
  • Bully us repetitively due to our lesser numbers. The most bullied ethnic group in America are Asian Americans

All of the preceding represents indoctrination of hatred by adults, by teachers, by the honorable religion and culture of  South Carolinians, citizens of the Empire of the United States of America.

To whites, we are a “model minority,” which they proudly point toward to laud a successful America, yet it makes other minorities jealous. As we are hated by African Americans, we also can never be as good as Caucasian Americans, as the latter persistently marginalize us regardless how better we perform in Academia or within employment. If we are more intelligent than Caucasian Americans:

  • They refuse to hire us despite being more qualified and experienced, in the new adopted term of discriminatory employment practiced against Asian Americans called a “bamboo ceiling.”

African Americans can be just as racist though, sometimes worse. They consistently make certain to cross the “t” and dot the “i” in the word “citizen,” when dealing with us. They incredulously feel entitled to what we rightfully earned through hard work, as a result of historical slavery and current racism by whites against them.

No matter what obvious injustice we Asian Americans may suffer, some African Americans would banally reply with the well known narrative of slavery or their current injustices, marginalizing and attenuating individual or collective victimization of Asian Americans, as if we aren’t human.

As if somehow, we also were responsible for such injustice. And that their injustice in the Empire of the United States, justifies their own discriminatory acts against us.

It doesn’t matter Japan refused the institution of slavery unlike other nations, and even made an African, a famous Samurai in Japanese history.

And if the injustice is performed by African Americans against us, a few will ignorantly in emetic fashion retort , that African Americans can’t be racist. Like past white racists who also boldly claimed that blacks can’t be intelligent,


Some African Americans, have sadly resorted to the exact same antics their white oppressors unjustly performed.

When Rodney King was beaten by white terrorist law enforcement, African Americans looted and burned Korean businesses as whites in the Tulsa Oklahoma Black Wall Street in the 1920s. In a Philadelphia High School, Asian Americans were targeted regularly, including physical violence, with school African American and Caucasian officials looking the other way and feigning incompetence. It was reminiscent of the school integration of African Americans in the predominantly white Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas in 1954.

African Americans today even regularly target Asian American salons in Chicago and New York,  for perceived or real past acts against African American females by Asian Americans, in a form of vigilante justice in the name of chivalry. If left unchecked, it may grow into something similar to  the 1908 Springfield Race Riots, but against Asian Americans instead.


The behavior of African Americans toward Asian Americans is not abnormal. I’ve learned from many years of thorough research on oppressed people worldwide, that often the intoxicating narrative of persecution and the utter powerlessness against a recognized oppressor, unintentionally causes the oppressed, to likewise victimize another weaker minority.

It is human nature to follow such cycle of hatred, which is difficult to be broken.

Eg. I’ve witnessed Palestinians victimize Syrian refugees in Amman, Jordan. I’ve witnessed Muslim Kurds victimize Assyrian Christian and Yazidee minorities in Northern Iraq. And likewise, I’ve witnessed and experienced African Americans doing the same to Hispanic and Asian Americans in the Empire of the United States.

Yet, my experience between too hostile forces of Caucasian and African American animosity in the Confederate Hell of South Carolina, taught me resilience. I was unlike others. I was too strongly independent for an Asian American, and people feared that. And in that preceding truth, my suffering was a hundred times worse.

The typical stereotype of an Asian American is docile and submissive, weird and uncool, weak and sexually deprived, and untrustworthy. I didn’t meet or pretend to be the preceding stereotypes.

I am independent and outspoken. A natural leader. I am strong, cool, and smart. My penis..Never mind 🙂

Because I was different, it unavoidably made me the enemy within South Carolina.

Because I would not succumb to the American stereotype of Asian Americans, South Carolina society collapsed upon me with its immature factless judgments and cowardly group bullying, mercilessly. Not just ordinary people, but those in positions as teachers, law enforcement, judges, etc.

My ordeal would best be surmised in the rap video I made to express such discrimination and racism I faced, without protection of the law or numbers.  It’s titled Persona Non Grata: Asian American.


But it’s not only small numbers which allow such abuse of Asian Americans. It’s the American imperial racist indoctrination process.  Most Asian Americans are brought to America by military white fathers, due to racist immigration policies since the 1900s.

They are brainwashed into forgetting they are Asian. Asian Americans, the majority of us, don’t care for the injustice other Asian Americans face. Worse, they won’t help. They’re white, with few exceptions.

Look at how TV host Connie Chen humiliatingly had an operation to remove her beautiful slanted Asian eyes to appear more white, as if Asians are not beautiful by their very nature.  View how even celebrities as Chloe Wang must hide her name by changing it to Bennett, in order to be accepted within Hollywood.  We Asian Americans are faced with the tremendous pressure to assimilate in the Empire of the United States. Yet, we don’t exert equal pressure toward other Americans to be more Asian.



I was bullied in various specific ways as a youth in the Confederate grits incest cess pool of South Carolina drudgery.

  1. I was once ,made by Ms. Heinz, a teacher, to eat off the floor at Mossy Oaks Elementary School.
  2. My bike was stolen once. The police never took a report and never did anything. The white officer just advised me and my mother to move out of the black neighborhood.
  3. I was regularly teased and physically bullied. In one incident, urine was thrown on me as white and black kids jollied to their amusement.
  4. I was always jumped by white and black kids. I won few victories.
  5. I was robbed of a book bag and jacket. Again police did nothing.
  6. At school, my grades were at first higher than everyone’s. My math abilities were unmatched.

I was the top of my class, but unorthodox means to marginalize me were effective by both blacks and whites.

Teasing my Asian features and culture, disincluding me from group activities, joking about the height of my mother, slapping me in the back of my head while hiding who the real culprit was, and if all else failed – physical violence in groups.

I went through several cycles of this torment, each turn or cycle in less or more similarity  than the preceding, until I just completely gave up on performing well in High School altogether. The school administrators did nothing to complaints either.

The bullying however miraculously halted with an act of God. It deteriorated so badly ,one of the bullies entered my private home to rob my mother and me. African Americans call it a kick door. I discharged a weapon in his buttocks in self defense.

Immediately afterwards, this thief’s friends and family would perform a retaliatory drive-by of my apartment with 14 bullets from a Tech 9 automatic, aimed with the purpose of assassinating my mother and me. And 12 cats as well.

We survived luckily.

Immediately after this drive-by, I was arrested and charged in a Juvenile court. Eventually, I was let loose after a judgment of self defense.

However, while I was incarcerated, the South Carolina Department of Housing , supervised by African Americans, subsequently punished my mother for this drive-by, via ejecting her from Public Housing. I not only felt helpless to protect my mother while temporarily locked up, but now the African American racial politics of victimization aimed its target at my mother unjustly.

The thief who robbed me that I shot, was African American. It didn’t matter if it was self defense. The majority of the people in my town in South Carolina, were African Americans. I just harmed one of them. In their ignorant eyes, there had to be a resolute answer.

However, all of the bullying against me which I endured for years, suddenly ceased after shooting one of the bullies in the ass.

(Ven Vidi Civi 3 shifts)
Kp 1994. K ycu ugnnkpi eqeckpg hqt vjg Dgcwhqtv Uqwvj Ectqnkpc Ncy Gphqtegogpv Fkxkukqp. Oa jcpfngtu ygtg Ectqn I. Uocnnu cpf Fctann D. Tjqfgu. K ycu uwrrnkgf hktgctou, oqpga, rtqvgevkqp qh oa oqvjgt, cpf koowpkva. Wpvkn K ujqv c dncem ocp kp ugnh fghgpug, vjgp Ectqn I. Uocnnu vqqm gxgtavjkpi rgtuqpcnna.Ujg tgpgigf qp vjg rtqokug qh koowpkva da cvvgorvkpi vq eqpxkev og vjqwij kv ycu ugnh fghgpug. Oa ncyagt ycu Ucowgn Dcwgt qh Jknvqp Jgcf. Kh qpg tgcfu vjg eqwtv vtcpuetkrvu htq oa lwxgpkng ecug, qpg yknn ugg K ycu cumkpi cdqwv vjg rtqokugu vjg rqnkeg fgrctvogpv ocfg. Vjg ecug hkng ku #1994-176177178179180181.

The solid truth is, African Americans victimize Asian Americans with robberies and home invasions on an alarming and regular scale in the Empire of the United States.  We are perceived as weak, unable to express ourselves due to language deficiencies, unfamiliar enough with the territory to assert our rights. It happens to us Asian Americans often without the news coverage.

It happened to me also. And because of racial politics rather than the principle of right and wrong, I and my mother, were unjustly punished.

Ask any rational man, “What would you do if I broke into your home and robbed you?” Justice is in their answers. Listen well.

Despite my harsh and caustic words above, some of my best friends are African Americans. I consistently refuse to hate any ethnicity or religion in my life. I am brutally honest though.

And I also recognize the real struggle of African Americans.

I marched for the Jenna Six against white terrorism. I condemned the unjustified verdict against those white terrorists that beat Rodney King. I comprehend the injustice in the Criminal Justice system not only with the majority of imprisoned being African Americans disproportionately, but also in the individual judgments as between Brock Turner and Albert Wilson. I feel deep pain within my own beating heart for the white terrorism performed upon Emanuell Church in Charleston, South Carolina. I recognize the injustice of Walter Scott’s tragedy and how Family Courts are employed to decimate the African American family.  I absolutely abhor slavery and segregation as the worst injustices in the annals of history in the Empire of the United States.

But what use is the African American struggle and their future,  if one shall perform the very evil of which one complains about? African Americans can benefit the Empire of the United States, but not by ignoring or silencing the voice of minorities as Asian Americans. It won’t occur this way. We must speak and cooperate on a level, as equal humans, without racial politics. We have so much in common.

Nevertheless, my entire youth and adolescence in America, my existence was one of Non Persona Grata, a poor Asian American. I was never accepted as part of that society nor ever acknowledged for my suffering.

Therefore, I see no reason to possess any obligation toward such filth that calls itself a nation or country, nor its superficial ideologies of faux paux Democracy and sanctimonious farce Republicanism, nor of its fake cereal brand Christianity.

It is much better to be alone as a wolf which others glance in pause from afar and recognize the remaining scars in admiration or fear, than under a preposterous exploitive and evil abusive parent or owner, such as with the Empire of the United States of America.

One is not born useless or evil, but if they are in a toxic environment that repeats such abuses with enough frequency, then humans begin believing and acting it out. It’s called the subconscious.

For my own subconscious, and conscience, for I am much stronger than a self fulfilling prophecy, let me attachments to that genocidal empire be forever severed so I may dwell proudly and safely and securely, as a simple human.


Slavery and Racism in South Carolina

Another determinant for my sincere desire to be freed or released from the Empire of the Untied States of America, is South Carolina’s unrepentant toxic racism within its innate cultural history, and ever so omniprescient racism today. South Carolina, its heathen posterity, its evil progenitors, are utter garbage filth of which no logical human of rational cognizance or moral fiber, could associate.  With exception to the Federal government of the Empire of the United States. Wolves and fleas.

Honesta mors turpi vita potior

To become successful in South Carolina and quickly climb the inanimate ladder toward the higher echelons, one must hate non-whites, specifically blacks, or pretend to love racists, Uncle Toms included. I sadfully wasted decades of my valuable precious life in this utterly hellish and undeniable brutish manure hole of  stinky breathing human dung.

All my life I witnessed an insipid racism in the Confederate South Carolina, was meticulously instructed and intentionally inculcated to hate innocent and defenseless Blacks, Mexicans and Muslims, and I yet, refused. That was my powerful silent victory. A beautiful seed my dead honorable mother deeply implanted within my stern chest which resiliently ceased to capitulate and die.

So why shall I return to such a bucolic hell?

The biggest mistake my naïve mother made in her entire lifetime, was foolishly moving from New York to this God awful cursed wasteland, where the elderly retire in order to end life peacefully. And where the youth tolerate a miserable existence, to live life as the living dead.  The day my mother and me arrived in South Carolina was simply annus terribilis.

One cannot retort , “That’s just South Carolina. Not America.”

No! Bovis Stercus!!

For any punishment or judicial order South Carolina  formulates, whether racially or religiously influenced or biased, all states must  honor and follow ,such as warrants and court judgments. Thus, the entire government through Comity, the Empire of the Untied States of America in totality, is accountable by virtue of gossamer collaboration, via jurisprudence and economic and political means, with an obvious evil Confederate bitch of a sister and cousin incest state.

Shall we forget, Democrats were the leaders of Segregation while Republicans supported abolition and now Democrats are the supposed freedom champions for African Americans like Canadian Prime Minister Jack Trudeau, while Republicans are racists. Plebians and Patricians with the Senate and Congress as Plato’s allegory o f the cave. The same today.

I feel Daniel Shay would have ceased all complaints and corrected Patrick Henry with, “Give me death instead of liberty,” had he known South Carolina would be unknowingly included within the Union and thus taint the better part of the nation, as a whole.

South Carolina was the commitingly the very first to proudly cede from the entire nation in disdainful support of evil abhorrent slavery. It viciously fired the very first gunshot at the Union Navy and Northern states on behest of that un-Godlike slavery, which ultimately commenced the nasty business of the Civil War. The meticulous justification or inherent ideology , nullification, which created the Confederate States of America, was born in hillbilly redneck South Carolina. When Reconstruction occurred after the Civil War, Rutherford B. Hayes sealed the victory for the Klu Klux Klan of South Carolina, over minority rights in South Hellolina.

Interficiam de cancer

Such deep legacy is still evident today. It is completely inescapable. Suffocation is the only accurate depiction of South Carolina life.   The confederate hellish prison has amalgamated Christianity into a new religion of transitioning from past religious justification of slavery and segregation into dominance over non-whites today.

As abolitionist  Angelina Grimke averred, “My friends, it is a fact that the South has incorporated slavery into her religion; that is the most fearful thing in this rebellion. They are fighting, verily believing that they are doing God service.”

I grew up in direct opposition against the disgusting  flying of the Confederate flag on public and government infrastructure,  and I took gleeful satisfaction at finally seeing it justly brought down in South Carolina. But now, South Carolina has brought it right back up. That should be undeniably demonstrative of its sincerity toward contemporary positive racial relations.

At Clemson University, where I luckily graduated, like many other universities in the Southern portion of the Empire of the United States, such as LSU and Alabama State, the names of buildings are after virulent racists and former Klu Klux Klan members, as Ben “Pitchfork” Tillman and John Calhoun.

I can no longer stomach Confederate South Carolina and its evil racist heritage, nor can I stomach any Federal government that allows or enables or winks  it. Guilt by association! No. No. Ex Consessis

The Federal governments relationship with the Confederate manure pad of a state,  the fact South Carolina is surprisingly considered a state of the Empire of the United States ultimately translates into all of Amerigo Vespucci’s bastard posterity are guilty. Their avarice provides complicity in South Carolina’s past and current status today.

I absolutely refuse, out of my deep comprehension for the tainted history of evil slavery, and in agreement with the heroic and noble abolitionist David Walker, who wrote the “Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World,”  that  Southern slavery in the Empire of the United States was the worst and cruelest form in history, worse than Roman slavery; I absolutely refuse:

  1. To pay taxes toward any monstrosity which participated in slavery within its history on such scale and akin form as South Carolinian slaver.
  2. Salute a flag of association with any entity, state or nation, past and present, that profited off the human misery of slavery on such scale and form as the Empire of the United States and its Transatlantic slavery.
  3. Recognize any Constitution or Declaration of Independence toilet paper which purposely omits or tacitly supports slavery, indirectly or directly.

I refuse to be a citizen of the Empire of the United States as long as South Carolina is included within its nation. Or any nation with a history of slavery akin to that which existed in American history, for that matter.

To South Carolinians Es scortum obscenus vilis

While South Carolina maintains a stance toward preserving racial hierarchy, it consistently fails miserably in providing the exigent life South Carolinians should strive. Thus one can comprehend why such visible ignorance toward racial pluralism and equality.

Instead the sagacious and wise leaders of South Carolina have won the following acclimations for its citizens. It is ranked 47 out of 50 states for personal income number 5 in violent crimes within the nation one of the top ten for obesity, last in education, one of the worst places to raise a family,  and the 8th worst state for health care.


Is it not better to wish your most dreadfully hated enemies to dwell in such a great infernum!?

Therefore due to the innate racism within South Carolina, its ineffaceable history of slavery and segregation and its contemporary racism against non-whites, and its unbending and inimitable association with the Federal government of the Empire of the United States, I would rather live stateless and preserve my irrevocable integrity and honor and conscience, in death. As abolitionist David Walker averred, “If I remain in this bloody land, I will not live long.”

To be South Carolinian, one must be a Republican or insane, it is both too small and .big for either. I am neither the former or latter.

As Sam Esmail averred, “I’m Egyptian. My parents stupidly decided to move us down to South Carolina when I was five, which was pretty brutal.”

I am unforgiving of the Empire of the United States toward its African American minority. Until African American activist Mumia Abu Jamal is justly freed, rapper Corey Miller given a retrial, and Assata Shakur pardoned, I find no more hope in believing the Empire of the United States has any sincerity toward an equal society.

Though I am adamantly careful of racial pride and race politics for it may empower an oppressed to do likewise injustice to another minority, as rapper Killer Mike suggested recently, I conclude Killer Mike and others as him, have no choice against an intoxicating dangerous and inhuman poison of racism which exists in the Empire of the United States and continues to claim so many innocent lives at the expense of a white status quo.

I laud the rapper for at least speaking reality and truth.

May death be my option rather than citizenship to that fascist racist conglomerate of American hedonism. As Stokley Carmichael stated, “There is a higher law than the law of government. That’s the law of conscience.”

Rm Xovnhlm, Hlfgs Xzilormz, Z klorxv luurxvi zg z kzmgib rm gsv vzio nlimrmt zwnrggvw drgs ylzhg rm wrhxszitrmt z urivzin rmgl zm fmzinvw yozxp gvvmztvi lfg lu rmgvmgrlmzo nzorxv. Ozgvi gsrh hznv lurxvi, R ivxloovxg, zg z Sfwwov Slfhv tlg rmgl zm zitfnvmg drgs yozxp zwlovhxvmgh xzoormt gsvn mrttvih.

Nb uznrob zmw dsrgv uirvmwh dviv zoo izxrhgh. Nb fmxov zmw tizmwuzgsvi dlfow xlmhgzmgob fhv gsv dliw mrttvi wvhkrgv n kilgvhgh. Hlnvgrnvh R dlfow vzi hglirvh zylfg nb tizmwuzgsvi wvxrwrmt xlfig xzhvh drgs qfwtvh levi tlou zmw levisvziw dsrov kozbrmt xzwwb, sld wrhwzrmufo lu yozxph zmw sld nfxs gsvhv qfwtvh szgvw yozxph, bvg dlfow zohl hkvzp zylfg gsv Xzgslorx Xsfixs ufmxgrlmh rm gsv hznv yivzgs. Zg Xovnhlm Fmrevihrgb, dv szw zm vowviob Vmtorhs gvzxsvi zmw Ni. Hdliwh ylgs hzb gszg gsv Hlfgs dlfow irhv ztzrm rm uilmg lu Zuirxzm Znvirxzm hgfwvmgh dsl dzopvw lfg zugvidziwh.

Nb uznrob zmw dsrgv uirvmwh zoo dzimvw nv gl hgzb zdzb uiln yozxp kvlkov. R mvevi orhgvmvw.

American Christian Bigotry

Another issue in which I must take full aim is the fake Christianity in America.

I do not, cannot, and will not, foolishly believe in the generic Jesus of the Empire of the United States of America, nor its inauthentic effigy of Christianity.  If Americans possess true followers and knowledge of Jesus, then I am utterly convinced, as atheists as Richard Dawkins, Jesus is a lie.  We have all been bamboozled!

This my honest observation derived from examining American domestic and foreign policies, witnessing the behavior of Americans generally, and experiencing and surviving  the evil Bible Belt of South Carolina.

As of now, I am observing Islam and Judaism under similar microscope, to honestly determine if it likewise coalesces with the evil Christianity in America.

Nevertheless, it is succinct to aver that American Protestantism was a radical pariah sect in Europe. Protestants were cruelly persecuted and coldly hunted down, with the goal of utter extermination.

They justly and rightfully fled Europe and absconded to America. Then, these horrific hypocritical filth Protestants, in holy Jesus’ name, emetically and mercilessly exterminated the weaker and powerless  indigenous in America.

Afterwards, Protestants disingenuously proclaimed the indigenous lands as their own Manifest Destiny. Now, they incredulously deny their act of evil genocide, and currently refuse the same exact privileged right for other innocent victims to flee persecution to the Empire of the United States.

Illa simulatione?

I must intercede and loudly and bravely reiterate, that it is an undeniable common theme that a former oppressed people, become mirror images of their prior oppressors. De Facto and Dejure, by government jurisprudence and by human behavior within society.

And that is the Quid Pro Quo of the empowerment lure titled, Republicanism and Democracy, in the Empire of the United States.

Wherein the brutish and ignorant false hubris filled American government, now formulates laws which always victimize the weaker poor human, domestically in the name of women’s rights (Family Laws against poor fathers) and African American justice (Affirmative Action against non-African Americans in education and employment). And in foreign policy with America’s support for Jewish Israelis against Arab Muslims, Kurds against Arabs in Iraq, etc.  We replace tyrants with their victims who also become tyrants.

It is also human nature as well in pragmatic daily social relations. De Facto. Black Americans oppress and discriminate against other minorities in America, Jewish citizens against Arabs in Israel, Kurds against Arabs and Assyrian Christians  in Kurdistan, Shia Muslims against Sunni Muslims in Iraq, black South Africans against white South Africans, etc.

However, what can we expect from a nation birthed on such hypocrisy!?  I speak facts and truth, not what is ignorantly popular or fad and indoctrinated since youth in corrupt America. I speak simply as a human.

Protestantism, or radical Wahhabi Christianity, completely wiped out the indigenous of the North American continent, as Catholics likewise intended for Protestants in Europe. What a tragic and sad hypocrisy under the Neanderthal Democratic demonic Leprechaun John Sullivan, and his faux paux evil insanity, with the pathetic laureate, Manifest Destiny.

It’s Manifest Shit!

Though, Americans claim the Empire of the United States was not founded upon Christianity, but some awkward unknown neologism called “Deism,” which completely escapes the pages of history’s records of ever existing, even today, it is undeniable the Empire of the United States, was founded upon this insanity titled Protestantism.

The Bible has been employed at courts throughout its nation since its beginning.  All of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution were Protestant Christians, including the founding fathers Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, etc . The land theft of indigenous was justified by Protestantism. World Wars One and Two were inundated with Protestant propaganda against evil god haters in Japan, China, and Russia.

The majority of Americans today identify as Protestant Christian.

Super Fuck the founding bastard bitch fathers of the Empire of the United States, their ancestors and progenitors, may God almighty grant us a valiant hero so graciously noble and  brave, so pure with the conscience of humanity and justice, as to both belligerently urinate and indifferently defecate, on all the preceding criminals’ graves today. Amen.

Protestant Martin Luther fought courageously against corruption in his 99 Theses, only to imprudently and unintentionally create a neo-nation today, that massively multiplied and amplified the corruption of the centuries old Catholic Church in Europe.

Protestants did not stare deeply into an abyss, as Friedrich Nietzsche warned, they gleefully plunged and swam within it!

Today as Tacitus warned, a multitude of existing laws in the Empire of the United States has institutionalized, formalized, and expounded corruption. And Americans have no shame or honor in such gossamer reality in the eyes of the world.

Today, numerous aid and humanitarian organizations or NGOS, collect and pocket donations in the name of God and humanity, while victims of tragedies they pretend to help, suffer without benefitting from such proceeds. This is the norm.

American Protestantism and a pernicious corruption are now inseparable as canon.

The Empire of the United States childishly inculcates within its sheep citizens that Native Americans died of pox diseases. Yet, there is not a single disease in the annals of secular or biblical history, which has completely wiped out an entire civilization.

I am of the opinion, Americans are full of smelly vile shit. Just as their heathen Protestant priests and missionaries.

Nevertheless, the Christianity in South Carolina is akin to the Islamic State or Daesh ideology, without any doubt. Socioeconomic status and an absence of occupation, only deters its own symptoms from exposing such similarity. Black and white, both innately insane via indoctrination since youth, wholeheartedly believe Jesus and God, are one and the same.

This malignant ideology’s  deep roots in America bore the terrorist fruit in the incarnation and reincarnation of the Klu Klux Klan. Today in the Empire of the United States, right wing white Protestant terrorists lead in acts of terrorism in the name of Jesus.

I never have, nor will I ever believe Jesus and God are one. It is against the passages of the Bible, Quran, and Torah. I’ve read them all.

The Jews do not recognize Jesus whose real name is Yeshua, as God. Muslims do not either. Yazidees don’t as well. Christians in the Middle East don’t. Those with clear intellect and rational minds with functioning logical abilities concur, Jesus is not God.

Only the pestilent, abominable and brainless Protestant clan believes in such nonsensical myth. Roman emperors were called Gods once, is it not ironic the Empire of the United States seems to be the origin of such insanity today?

I will not pledge my allegiance to any evil nation that believes in such fecal childish blabberish.

In the Empire of the United States , there is one identity which reigns supreme, White Anglo Saxon Protestant.

They are the ones who believe Jesus and God are one. They are the ones currently promulgating the hatred of Muslims worldwide and they are the ones behind the endemic wars which plague humankind in the Middle East.

Don’t foolishly fall for their pathetic logomachy of name playing, classifying themselves differently so as to disguise their common crimes in conspiracy. They are the same!

Calvinists, Lutherans, Mormons, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Reformed Christians, Anabaptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Advents, aliens, predators, Sponge Bob square pants warriors, enlightened demi- gods, and so on.

I sincerely pray humankind be protected from all these Beelzebub criminals. They are absolutely not humans, but wild evil beasts in attractive clean clothing with shaven faces and false smiles, deceptively awaiting the naïve to fall under the trance of their outer appearance.

Before striking their modern victims and their victims’ children, as a savage lion in a pit alone with a Daniel, and with no witnesses.

They will ostracize and demonize their friends, disown family, poison and imprison and burn you like Atahualpa, if they ever discover, you don’t believe their fundamental farce that Jesus is God. That is today’s Empire of the United States.

Evangelicals, another name for Protestants, voted for former U.S President George Bush. The monster who commenced the wars in the Middle East and profited from them. The author of the War on Terrorism and the puppet face of my own personal tragedy.

May they all go to hell.

Is God not powerful enough to punish Empire’s crimes? Does God not love empire’s victims?

I therefore renounce my citizenship of the criminal and evil Empire of the United States of America.

Its lies of being secular are insincere and a fog, a deception only intended to hide its true foundation, its past and current behavior, and its future aspirations.

I will not be part and privy to such evil mechanism anymore. I would rather choose death instead, than to be welcomed or heralded or even accepted, as even its most famous and prominent klan member.

I have integrity.

.. / .– .. – -. . … … . -.. / – …. . / -.-. — -. -. . -.-. – .. — -. … / — ..-. / .–. .-. — – . … – .- -. – / – . .-. .-. — .-. .. … — / – …. .-. — ..- –. …. / — -.– / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. / -.- . -. / — / -.- . . ..-. . .-.-.- / .. / . …- . -. / -… . -.-. .- — . / ..-. .- -.-. . -… — — -.- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. … / .– .. – …. / ..-. — .-. — . .-. / –. — …- . .-. -. — .-. / .- -. -.. / …- .. .-. ..- .-.. . -. – / -.- -.- -.- / .-.. . .- -.. . .-. –..– / -.. .- …- .. -.. / -.. ..- -.- . / – …. .-. — ..- –. …. / -.- . -. .-.-.- / — -.– / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. … …. .. .–. / .– .. – …. / -.- . -. / .-. . …- . .- .-.. . -.. / – …. . / . -..- – . -. – / — ..-. / – …. . / .–. .-. — – . … – .- -. – / . …- .- -. –. . .-.. .. -.-. .- .-.. / -. ..- – .— — -… … / .. -. / – …. . / . -..- – .-. . — .. … – / – . .-. .-. — .-. .. … – / -. . – .– — .-. -.- … / .. -. / – …. . / — .. -.. -.. .-.. . / . .- … – .-.-.- … .–. . -.-. .. ..-. .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.– / .– .. – …. / …. .- — .- … .-.-.- / – …. . -.– / …. .- – . / .— . .– … .-.-.- / .-.-.. .-.-.. .- .-.. … — / -.. .- …- .. -.. / … -.-. …. . -. -.- . .-. –..– / .- … … .. … – .- -. – / … . -.-. .-. . – .- .-. -.– / — ..-. / … – .- – . / .. … / .- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. / .- -. -.. / …. .. … / -.-. — -. -. . -.-. – .. — -. … / – — / .–. .-. — – . … – .- -. – / . …- .- -. –. . .-.. .. -.-. .- .-.. / .- -. -.. / -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. – / … . -.-. .-. . – .- .-. -.– / — ..-. / … – .- – . / .- -. -.. / ..-. — .-. — . .-. / -.-. .. .- / -.. .. .-. . -.-. – — .-. –..– / — .. -.- . / .–. — — .–. . — –..– / …. . .-.. .–. . -.. / — . / – — / .. -.. . -. – .. ..-. -.– / – …. . … . / . …- .- -. –. . .-.. .. -.-. .- .-.. / -. ..- – .— — -… … / .- -. -.. / – …. . .. .-. / -.-. — -. -. . -.-. – .. — -. … / .– .. – …. / .— . .– … / .. -. / – …. . / — .. -.. -.. .-.. . / . .- … – .-.-.- / … .–. . -.-. .. ..-. .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.– / .. -. / .. .-. .- –.- .-.-.- / .-.-.. .-.-.. – …. . -.– / -… — – …. / .- .-. . / .- -.-. – .. …- . / .. -. / – .- -.- .. -. –. / — …- . .-. / – …. .. … / .– — .-. .-.. -.. .-.-.- / .. – .—-. … / .- / — — -.. . .-. -. / ..-. .. –. …. – / — ..-. / .-. . .-.. .. –. .. — -. … .-.-.- .-.-.. .-.-.. — -.– / -.- -. — .– .-.. . -.. –. . / — ..-. / – …. . .. .-. / -.-. — -. – .- -.-. – … / .. -. / – …. . / — .. -.. -.. .-.. . / . .- … – / .–. .-.. .- -.-. . … / — -.– / .-.. .. ..-. . / .. -. / -.. .- -. –. . .-. .-.-.- / -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. – / .- –. . -. -.-. -.– / -.-. — -. – .- -.-. – … / .- … / .– . .-.. .-.. .-.-.- /


Deportation of Wife, Miscarriage of Child, and Child Support Due to Political Punishment

My thought-out courageous decision to renounce my worthless citizenship also derives from the Empire of the United States targeting my innocent defenseless wife, me, and a precious unborn child, to punish my political activism in the Confederate South Carolina and my religious conversion to Islam.

Around 2008, I was fulfilling my graduate studies at Clemson University. The home of infamously known virulent KKK racists as John Calhoun (Frederick Douglass despised Calhoun and even wrote a diatribe against him) and Ben “Pitchfork” Tillman (who openly admitted and bragged about assassinating and murdering innocent blacks).

I was also politically active for Palestine at Clemson University. I became a proud and devoutly committed Muslim. I met a Clemson University professor, a Syrian Palestinian Muslim, named Tharwat Alasadi. She was teaching Arabic at Clemson University, on a visa sponsored by a Christian Protestant organization.

I sadly remember the absolute cruelty in which the Christian students at Clemson University would maliciously draw in chalk, the Israeli star and Jewish symbols, at the bottom stairway of her apartment. This would enrage me and cause me to argue and fight, verbally and physically, with her heartless bullies, many times.

Tharwat would always tell me to ignore, to forgive, but I never could. She was a pacifist like Mohatma Ghandi, and I always was a fighter, like Khalid Bin Walid.

I also disparagingly witnessed the Christian students at Clemson University daily trying their upmost to convert her to Christianity. Like a hungry lion with saliva dripping from its teeth, while carefully eyeing  a naïve weaker rabbit, in unchartered or unfamiliar lands.

They would deceptively invite her with inauthentic smiles and fake blessings to Christian events, cajolingly beg her presence at their church, unexpectedly visit her home with Bibles and gifts in hand, etc.

And I, who she loved, loved Islam, and my unbending passion and concrete commitment created a huge challenge for these Christian students and Christian organization, that sponsored her visa, in their discreet and sly efforts to proselytize Tharwat.

Nevertheless, Tharwat and I married and were expecting a child. It was the best time of my life. I filed all paperwork to legally keep her in my nation, as any father and husband would.

I never knew South Carolina could be so cruel. So evil.

But that is the nature of Protestants and the innate racism of any revitalized Roman empire. We American Christian Protestants are raised to discreetly and openly look down upon others, outside our religion and borders, in an Oriental barbaric fashion, imbibed with false superiority.

The same week after visiting Senator Lindsey Graham’s Seneca office in South Carolina and challenging him to a debate on Palestine, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers forced their way into my apartment, without a warrant. Both acts against the United States Constitution and my rights as a citizen.

My wife, Tharwat, was cruelly arrested and unconscionably deported by ICE. We lost our child to miscarriage from the stress and pressure and shock. The arresting agent, Paul Anderson, informed Tharwat I had several girlfriends, that I never loved her, interrogated us about the Clemson Islamic Center, blamed both of us for the 9-11 attacks, hinted we were terrorists, and more.

The news covered our ordeal and this shameful debacle.


What the news failed to cover, was my simultaneous harassment by the South Carolina Department of Social Services.

At the very same time of my wife’s wrongful and uncompassionate kidnapping and imprisonment and cruel illegal deportation, the evil Confederate South Carolina Department of fake Christian Protestant Social Services, enforced a Child Support order upon me, in this mentally fragile and weakened state.

They mentioned several unknown names of strange women and children, mostly white sounding names, which I never recollected. What appended upon the incredulous accusations by the South Carolina Department of Social Services was, I never liked white women. I like minority pussy. I just prefer non-white women, always have in my life. Perhaps I am racist, but I am being brutally honest.

I also remained clear of white women all my life in South Carolina, out of my historical knowledge of how African Americans were falsely accused of rape and victimized unjustly by white women, as a means of racial superiority in the South.

And it still persists today.

Nevertheless, out of the multitude of names, solely one white southern belle appeared at a hearing. It was childishly worse than John Calhoun’s Petticoat Affair. It is as if the South Carolina Department of Social Services in a hurry to save their false narrative and lies,  paid this horribly unattractive jezebel honey trap, to appear in order to justify their accusations.

They performed a DNA paternity test (I was told the conclusion within 30 minutes of my DNA test which I don’t believe is possible). They demanded, under threat of punishment, I sign documents agreeing to my paternity, which I refused.

They held a trial in absentia and determined my monthly salary, $1,900, and extrapolated what I should pay in Child Support, though I wasn’t employed. I was living off student loans while finishing my Masters degree.

They then instructed me never to communicate with this woman or her child, and even refused to give me the name of this child, who was supposedly mine.

Later, after investigation, I discovered the Paternity company, LabCorp, and the doctor who signed off on my paternity, Dr. Gary Stuhlmiller, have a long history of fraud. They have been sued even in the US Supreme Court several times. There have been numerous documented cases of LabCorp and Dr. Gary Stulhmiller falsely claiming a man is a father or a criminal is guilty, when second DNA Paternity tests proved otherwise. The Supreme Courts of the Mariana Islands and Canada have thrown out any testimony from Dr. Gary Stullhmiller in DNA proceedings. They found LabCorp and Dr. Gary Stuhlmiller unreliable.

LabCorp and GaryStuhlmiller:

Does the state of Confederate South Carolina possess no honor or integrity, to rely upon convicted fraudsters, liars, and criminals, as their primary DNA paternity testing company for South Carolina family courts?

Due to the callous and malicious behavior of both toward me and my wife, due to the violation of my Constitutional and human rights and the severe lack of evidence in accusations, and due to the timing of events;  I sincerely believe both ICE and the South Carolina Department of Social Services dishonorably and cowardly acted in tandem on behest of a South Carolina senator, to discreetly punish me for my political activism and my religious conviction.

My full details of my official complaint handed to the ACLU of South Carolina and other family court organizations is here:

This cowardly and cruel conspiracy by the South Carolina government, is absolutely unforgiveable. When a government violates the constitutional rights and human rights of one of its own citizens, what attachments or obligations should such citizen be compelled or coerced to meet, any longer?

Whatever debt incurred from my unfortunate tragic experience in South Carolina, which is respected and applied by Comity throughout the evil hypocritical Empire of the United States, is completely null and void.

To pursue me on any such debt, including by the Empire of the United State’s bitches in developing or developed nations, shall be met with a Jason Bourne type wrathful response, with accepted death as an inevitable outcome, yet damages incurred exceeding that which is pursued.

I owe no debt to South Carolina or the government of the Empire of the United States, as the former and latter shall owe no debt to me for violating my constitutional and human rights. Nor owe any debt for creating the conditions which promulgated and exacerbated and proliferated the unforgiveable tragic miscarriage of my precious unborn child and the destruction of my precious family in the deportation of my wife.

I shall never ask the Empire of the United States or the government of South Carolina,  have you no honor? I already know very well the answer! You are filthy cowards and only violence and force justifies your insanity.

I ask any human. If you followed laws to keep your spouse and child in your home nation, and your spouse was deported resulting in a miscarriage of a child, your nation violated your constitutional and human rights, and the only response you get is a sorry;

Can you bear to call that conglomeration of a despicable country, home? Can you not stare into nothingness over what child you lost and can you escape nightmares of what transpired?

I can’t and I won’t. This world is too large. This life is too short.

The American Child support system is corrupt. It is broken. It is misandrist. It is inhumane. It criminalizes the indigent solely and immures them into debtor’s prisons.

The State governments profit from federal incentives to shackle as many suckers as it can in sex payments. Its foundation is derived from two immoral and criminal presidents, Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton. It refuses to follow the wisdom of European nations’ in less government intervention and more shared parenting.

It is the most dysfunctional system worldwide in comparison to even developing nations’ family court laws.

If I am wrong, please correct me in my blog here. Do so, so I may see the light. Otherwise, accept what I have written and refuse to cooperate with such an unjust system.   It has thrown its tentacles upon me based on lies and as an instrument of silencing political dissidence in the Empire of the United States.

The South Carolina Department of Social Criminal Services does not altruistically care for our children. It doesn’t of the child I lost. They don’t sincerely defend women or women’s rights. They didn’t of my deported wife. I am certain.

The wife which was deported by the Empire of the United States could naturally not forgive my country for what transpired. I can’t or won’t either.

I divorced Tharwat as she wished , out of respect and a sincere desire for her happiness. She now lives in Sweden, a much better nation than America.

I also remarried another refugee, an Assyrian Christian survivor of the Islamic State genocide.

Since being in the Middle East, associates of the US government here, have made significant discreet efforts in abusing and humiliating me at international schools and English language centers for ten continuous years. Something I could not avoid since I teach the English language and the institutions which deliver such service are indirectly or directly, linked to the US Consulates and Embassies here.

Places where covert and corrupt activities are always hatched and facilitated, by the tiny minds and lower consciences of empire.

While failing to coerce me to leave the Middle East by psychological mistreatment, these “employers” also underpaid me purposely in equivalent fashion as human trafficking and exploitation. They also reneged on promises of renewing my residency. All of the preceding with purpose and intention to expel me from the Middle East, so as to connivingly and slyly prosecute me for politically motivated crimes in South Carolina.

They performed every mechanism to make my life miserable and my future unrepairable.

They thought financial exploitation would convince me to surrender and return to empire. They were over confident into believing verbal torment would provoke me to feel unwanted and depart from the Middle East. They also entrusted in the accrued debt of Child Support to label me a Deadbeat Dad and to worry me into return to empire. They created false impressions that I am a spy to the people of the Middle East, hoping the security services would deport me. They created the situation wherein my immigration status was precarious so as to scare me to return to empire.

Yet. It all failed!

Instead , I fought back. They plot, God plots, and God is the best planner.

Kara Murphy who worked for the US Embassy in Amman, Jordan as an English language instructor, deceived me, promising to renew my residency in Amman, Jordan,  which she didn’t. Her husband, an American citizen as well, offered money for me to bring students to cheat on the TOEFL exam. I sent that recording to Randolph Cline of ETS. She lost her license and they closed the center.

The American International School of Kurdistan run by Aveen Howrami. She has connections to the US Consulate, and other connections, which I can’t mention because it would ultimately cost my life to do so. The school is now closed after I revealed she lied about her accreditation and official relationship with the US State Department, to the Ministry of Education.

There are others who participated in this conspiracy who have yet to receive justice. But I aver, time and patience, God is the best planner.

Vvp ymgvm jj Dolsp Aoga Nfvml Rahmanm Joanne, threatened me to change her grades in front of the eleventh grade students. The principal Aveen Howrami, who is scared of her mother, threatened to fire me if I did not. She also threatened to sue me and attempted to deport me unsuccessfully after I sued her instead

The racist and evil South Carolina has touted this bullshit accusation that I absconded from paying child support after destroying my family in the beginning, unjustly. And these criminal agents at the consulates and embassies, with ape-like critical thinking skills, void of pristine honor or laudable morality, absolutely corrupt to the inner core, take the banal feminist flag and seek me in their bulls-eye target.

And they stomp in pathetic march under the oppressive and hypocritical Don Quixote tittup for women’s rights, while simultaneously striving to destroy my current marriage in the process while denying my wife a visa to the safety of my home country, away from the war my nation has created in her nation, Iraq.

Such heroes and heroines I must say sarcastically. Honor is fixing what one destroys. Instead, the heroic of the Empire of the United States simply pull out a different flag, as if a deck of cards, and claim moral justification for breaking another family of mine apart, while psychologically tormenting me for ten years and exploiting me like a canine in a Chinese meat market.

And preventing me from departing the Middle East with my current wife to relative safety.

This is the honor of America.

I believe it was Senator Lindsey Graham’s malicious sick evil plan from the beginning, to destroy my marriage to a refugee, Tharwat Alasadi in South Carolina, and to do so against my current refugee wife in the Middle East. Two things the news demonstrates about Senator Graham, he hates refugees or political asylees, and he loves profitable war on Middle Easterners. Since his funding comes from defense contractors.

By employing the South Carolina Department of Social Services against me, it performs two objectives. It attaches a leash in which Graham can pull and demand my extradition to South Carolina to his heathen un-Godlike devils in satisfactory victory against me. It also makes it difficult for me to survive in a developing nation, pay the fees the Department of Social Services demands, while paying legal fees for the immigration of my current wife to the Empire of the United States.

There is a third objective as well. It prevents me from formally enouncing my citizenship. Perhaps they knew this would be the outcome of my experiences here and thus they intend to deny my right based upon debt

The Empire of the United States, hates refugees. So, I married another one. And I will fight for this one, like the prior, against any empire. I am not your citizen, I am a human.

And for those refugees you, the Empire of the United States, have continuously neglected or those whose relatives you have unjustly murdered in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen; directly or through your disgusting quisling dictators abroad, many of these victims I have interviewed myself, I say the following:

Fuck you from my heart.

  • Fuck your fake lying ass Jesus bullshit.
  • Fuck your non-existent shitty God.
  • Fuck your failed hypocritical plebian and patrician copycat Democracy and Republicanism you pathetic dreamer shit spewers.
  • Fuck your toilet paper slavery supporting Constitution.
  • Fuck your hypocritical non-black and non-indigenous humankind is equal, Declaration of Independence shit stain.
  • Fuck your incessantly decrepit primitive backwards presumptuous fake materialistic shit brained culture and your thieving criminal thuggish brute-like
  • Fuck you and your children and ancestors for eternity.

That’s a lot of fucks.

In the expected words of my unborn child lost in South Carolina, I really don’t give a fuck.

(T into Y CollectiveConsciousness)
Zgo ylkvs zdl oislqog we gc zgl pewgiw cm xr eqaof, nkfoz udk afloqoudex ndo guz uxuzog afo yvu jyupsvuw zozg px ibceh. O zgenhbx ugi znv mnwoad. Yo ucucy qhf nly. Euz, E znv lcyzuoa afo yvu s iahc, jiovaul gcdlyc hcwzd ig xqav lqaof, afl uzueuf ngi hok dew znuw pl vzendk giw cw zqav lqaof. Afl gceog ibcef ngykewz dnx udiwzex sheuw zgi hcwzd ig xqav lqaof. Gix bsqcez uyc jyewluzuuw euoocwlaxu zdi duzc gisoju, vdk dnd-oqaeug. Ggi weof pl zgla ldeud.

Ky. Bvzx Uegfiqluucy qhu xon bxcidkn ls OoapohOd odi vzi usfl kx gzcoufn. Ivwcecsv Vzsqgvwc vsf Kendkqax Vvqqvf Dioqhzc. O hnd’w pdnz dno. Gvi.Iqaa lu v olsdecer ld oaeuycux. A qvnu egi glieoah bo yvu umzeud nd pl zgwcgpg zqawb quwzcia ld nwbcy we goeuxjoai ch L b bs Valvs Sqcycovs onwzg iyzcwzeud $$$ O hnd’w pdnx dcw uayc.

Gcivaui gi cu xcig wc Kuguoggl uivj, fiovaul gi hssfiez egouwlhcih Ndkyc Ibycpw vu s huzgiz vdk hssfiez egouwlhcik nzgcyn flospoueuf dge dnx pouzendog oa zgl phasuzwiuk soyv, fiovaul qav llkquuw IsjVekz bvu gcou dlasf haeexw em Xogcovzl gzvng, gcivaui gla euuxlqndz gvu gcou zgwcod enr gi igi Qszcvs Laisdkg Ggyycpl Olvyz, ex uaaxf ez qsr gi eoqiei iqhz gl gsiulex quoaeuf ki uu v hszgcy vu s qiusu ld vuoiwzhaaoud kluoe gdkcy zgu evhei zozg nlplndi cu wgi deucwvpluw.

C hue nlplndi eoapog wl Nouuzcw Byhqsqn lppcol Y


Injustice of Palestine/Israel

My resoluteness to renounce my American citizenship also derives from my nation’s blind commitment to the state of Israel, which former Secretary of State, George Marshall, resigned from his position in consequence. As I do as well.

But my renunciation over America’s foreign policy doesn’t originate from a simple perfunctory disagreement or observation. It directly results from close-hand and personal experience in fighting such tyranny and witnessing such oppression’s results within the Palestinian Diaspora. The preceding augments my inevitable renunciation.

I was influenced I admit, by viewing the struggle in Facebook posts by Miko Peled, Ken O Keefe, Alison Weir, Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Lauren Booth; all of which are my friends on Facebook.

But prior to even knowing any of them, I helped to organize the first AAPER (American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights) marches in 2009. I also lectured on peace in Israel/Palestine at six major universities in South Carolina, involving Jews, Christians, and Muslims (I don’t know of anyone having performed the same ever or since). I debated at Clemson University and on the streets about Palestine consistently. I even challenged Senator Graham to a public debate which promulgated my former wife’s deportation

Senator Graham feared me specifically because I realistically, by deed instead of words, by activism instead of feigned incompetence, threatened to make Clemson University a solid base of operations for Palestinian rights, for the entire state of South Carolina. I performed more than any activist in such a short time. Had my former wife Tharwat Alasadi, not been deported, I am certain I would extend to the entire southeastern region.


I also created a legislative bill perused by Jewish Voice for Peace, If Americans Only Knew, the AAPER, J-Street, and Professor Noam Chomsky. Professor Chomsky complimented me by e-mail on such efforts in South Carolina.

After following a deported wife to the Middle East, the State of South Carolina became the first state making any criticism of Israel, illegal. Had I been in South Carolina, it would have never happened for certain. I would have traveled up and down the entire state until sufficient numbers would have opposed such legislation. But Senator Graham took care of that so it would never materialize

After traveling and residing in the Middle East for ten years, after the state of South Carolina, through ICE and the South Carolina Department of Social Services, targeted me and a former wife, leading to the miscarriage of our child, I became closer to the Palestinian Diaspora in Amman, Jordan.

I witnessed the results of the Empire of the United State’s injustice that the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Israel created. A people, humans, stateless and without rights in Amman, Jordan, struggling to decide between a home to return to or a home to remain within. Either way, they didn’t possess equal rights.

I spent six whole years, every weekend, visiting and teaching Palestinian refugees in the most neglected Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan. Some call it Jerash Camp, others call it Gaza Camp. I made a rap video to express my love for those refugees:

Although I will state that the historical persecution and genocides against Jews necessitates a home country, my opposition to Israel remains stringent in regards to its oppressive and criminal policies to enact that reality or sovereignty. It is creating enemies who won’t disappear in the future which is unhealthy, imprudent, and inhumane.

My decision to renounce my citizenship in consequence to the United State’s devotion to Israel was a gradual and meticulous process, not a sudden callous decision.  Beforehand, I even publicly posted, in the spirit of Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience,” that I refused to pay taxes to my country while it supports Israel.

The Empire of the United States’ stance toward supporting Israel’s apartheid and ethnic cleansing isn’t changing. On the contrary, it is becoming stronger. Therefore, I must out of conscience sever my ties with the Empire of the United States

The persecution and injustice against African Americans and Palestinians and Native Americans, is an unforgiveable crime in history which will create problems for the Empire of the United States in the future. I want no part in it nor desire any of my own posterity to be victim to it.

The rage surrounding Israel by the people in the Middle East is palpable to any visitor. The shame attached to what we are performing to Palestinians undeniable. I wish my children and grandchildren to not maintain that stain upon their integrity and honor. I will not any longer.

Can there not be a government in which majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience? And can we be human first, subjects afterwards?

Rm Znnzm, Qliwzm. wvhkrgv hrc bvzih lu xlmgrmfvw olbzogb gl gsv Kzovhgrmrzm xzfhv zmw wvhkrgv zggvnkgrmt gl vckoliv gsv klhhryrorgb lu z xlnkilnrhv drgs Sznzh, R dzh klrhlmvw zmw mvzi wvzgs rm z slhkrgzo yvw uiln klrhlmvw xluuvv.
R szev mvevi szw gsrh kilyovn hrmxv hl R pmld rg dzh klrhlm.

R rmrgrzoob gslftsg rg dzh Rhizvo’h nlhhzw.

Sldvevi, R mld yvorvev rg dzh Sznzh yvxzfhv ru rg dzh Nlhhzw, R dlfow hrnkob yv wvzw. Gsv klrhlm dzh fmhlksrhgrxzgvw.

Rm Znnzm, Qliwzm R szw nvg nzmb Kzovhgrmrzm vcgivnrhgh R nvg drgs Zyf Nfhzy Azijzdr’h kzivmgh. R nvg drgs gsv uzgsvi lu Zywfoozs Yzitlfgsr, ulfmwvi lu Zo Jzhhzn Yritzwvh, Sznzh; nrorgzib drmt. R yvxznv gll xolhv gl Sznzh dsrxs dzh gll wzmtvilfh. R vevm gzftsg Sznzh ovzwvi, Pszovw Nrhszo’h uznrob.

Rg rh nb yvorvu gszg Znvirxzm ztvmgh lu lfi XRZ xlmermxvw Sznzh, li vnkolbvw kzrw ztvmgh, gl xlmermxv Sznzh zmw lgsvih gszg R dzh z hkb dsrxs ov gl nb klrhlmrmt. Gsvb kozxvw nb oruv rm wzmtvi kfiklhvob.

R yvorvev Mvevvm lu Mvoo Zxzwvnb zmw Mrszw Pzmzzm lu Hzmwh Mzgrlmzo Zxzwvnb dviv rmeloevw rm vckolrgrmt nv, klrhlmrmt nv, zmw wvkligrmt nv. FH ZRW, Vnyzhhb kvihlmmvo, Kvmgztlm luurxrzoh, zmw Qliwzmrzm rmgvoortvmxv dviv xlmmvxgvw gl Mvevvm zmw Kzovhgrmrzm vcgivnrhgh zmw Qliwzmrzm rmgvoortvmxv dviv xlmmvxgvw gl Mrszw Pzmzzm. Mvevvm zmw Mrszw szev z ivozgrlmhsrk.


Ziyad Yaghi Wrongful Conviction

Music video for Ziyad Yaghi:

Ziyad Yaghi was a Palestinian Muslim American wrongfully convicted of Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism by the FBI’s Preemptive Prosecution entrapment strategy, immediately after the 9-11 attacks in America.

I thoroughly read the court transcripts of Ziyad’s trial, many times. I also read an eclectic selection of internet resources from all perspectives. I spoke to many witnesses.

My only rational conclusion was Ziyad was convicted without any evidence, in a witch hunt manner akin to the Salem Witch Trials or McCarthyism.

I later performed an on the ground investigation in Amman, Jordan for the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America and former U.S. Lieutenant Naval Commander and Constitutional Rights attorney, Charles Swift. What I submitted to them would be used in the U.S. Supreme Court appeal by Ziyad Yaghi.

The North Carolina prosecution, Jason Kellhoffer, claimed Ziyad Yaghi, farcically attempted to meet terrorists at a mosque in Jordan.  My contacts within the Jordanian Intelligence and my investigation with his family and friends and the community at the specified mosque, concluded decisively, there was absolutely no evidence for such preposterous narrative.

Instead, there was evidence to refute the prosecution’s story which wasn’t introduced into the courtroom.

Human Rights Watch also concluded, referencing Ziyad Yaghi’s conviction along with several others like him, that Ziyad’s case,

“Raises serious concerns about violations of individuals’ rights to free speech and association under the US Constitution and international law…Despite the US Supreme Court’s acceptance of an extremely broad interpretation of the material support laws, the US has international legal obligations regarding the cases it chooses to prosecute. Some of the cases discussed above raise serious questions about whether the US is complying with those obligations.”

Human Rights Watch also noted FBI agent Robert Powell, involved in the prosecution of Ziyad Yaghi, admitted there was no evidence against Ziyad.

Republican 2nd District Congressman George Holding, who was the U.S. attorney at the time the terror case was prosecuted, said the facts of the case speak for themselves.

However, there were no facts, period. Absolutely none.

It was all based on hearsay and the emotional fear mongering  testimony of an unqualified expert witness on terrorism, Evan Kohlman, who many reputable and renowned experts on terrorism, even CIA employees, have discounted as an utter fake. Nevertheless, Kohlman was able to incredulously convince a jury that the words pizza and marriage by Ziyad Yaghi in e-mails, were witch code for terrorism.

Such lunacy injustice which I became intimately involved with fighting against, was more than disturbing to my fragile soul. It destructively grinded my stomach, inner bowels, my human spirit, to its deepest core.

It was simply injustice by mass Islamophobia.  The North Carolina prosecution of Ziyad Yaghi was reminiscent of a prior historical shame. Expert witness Evan Kohlmann would play the part of Abigal Williams, the prosecutor Jason Kelhoffer as William Stoughton, Judge Louis Flanagan as Sir William Phips, and George Holding as Thomas Putnam, as in the Salem Wtich Trial of Massachusetts’s history.

Ziyad Yaghi’s mother, Laila Yaghi, occasionally writes poetry expressing her sadness. Her memory is also scarred by the government of the Empire of the United States, as mine with the tragic deportation of my former wife and miscarriage of a child.

In that we share a common tragic sadness, and in the preceding, we share a common burden to make absolutely certain the pages of history will never forget the Empire of the United States, its people’s , its citizens’ xenophobia and the consequent innocent victims, after the 9-11 attacks.

Despite Americans naively believing our government doesn’t commit injustices, history and reality proves otherwise consistently. And what occurred to young Ziyad Yaghi and his mother, was an injustice graver than that which the Empire of the United States falsely claimed young Ziyad Yaghi intended to commit.

It was utterly ludicrous and an exemplary microcosm of what mass paranoia or Islamophobia after the 9-11 attacks produced within the American public. A willingness to look away to injustice in exchange for security. Precisely what founding father Benjamin Franklin warned against.

I won’t ever forgive my government for the emetic debacle for which transpired in the Ziyad Yaghi case. I never can or will. Spit on the religion, culture, and government of the Empire of the United States, till my very last breath.

If Ziyad Yaghi can be convicted without evidence in America based upon lies, no American is safe. Including myself.  I won’t be safe in the Empire of the United States of America as much as Julian Assange or Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning or John Kirakou were safe. Truth is of no importance to empire. Justice and rights are only soft words to the Empire of the United States, words one whispers toward the ear lobes of a naïve woman, till the act of passion is completed.

Though my efforts did not result in the U.S. Supreme court overturning Ziyad Yaghi’s conviction, it did dent the reputation of the FBI. It was absolutely worth it. I expect unavoidable retaliation, so therefore I must not return to an evil land wherein such unjust punishment may be directly enacted upon me, without the means to respond or defend myself.

While developing nations are notorious for torturing confessions out of political targets, the FBI simply concocts asininely fantastical narratives, gossamer lies, and the naïve and gullible, fearful, American public sheepishly believes in them. The bigger the lie…

What more to expect from an agency that extorted and threatened a peace activist as Dr Martin Luther King Jr. who sought solely integration between races in the Empire of the United States?

Therefore, I must renounce my pathetic klan-like allegiance to the Empire of the United States, due to my conscience and due to my own safety. Imprisonment is temporary, the pages of history are forever. Let the evil cast of characters of the injustice toward Ziyad Yaghi and his family, and their posterity, be well remembered for lack of their prudence and evil hatred. May I survive a short time on this earth in relative safety instead of a martyr , like so many in antiquity. Let martyrdom in my sacrifice for humankind and justice not be my demise and thus meet the satisfaction of such vile cowardly wolfish citizens of empire.

There is yet a small victory in the preceding.

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Corruption in the Hashemite Dictatorship of Jordan and Neglect of Syrian Refugees

In Jordan, I witnessed the soft or moderate hand of dictatorship. King Abdullah II is a quisling with political acumen which is admirable. He runs a nation wherein between 70 to 80 percent of the population are Palestinians and thus resentful of the relationship between Jordan and Israel and the Empire of the United States.

Yet, he does well as a circus juggler, not as an idealist, but as a selfish skilled con artist. And the simple minded Jordanians either fall for the gossamer charade or submit to it powerlessly, out of fear for his thugs in the Jordanian intelligence.

If Israel or the Empire of the United States angers or approaches too closely to his internal business, within the Hashemite Kingdom, he edges from his continuous vacillation toward the Palestinian side. He consistently fulfills the role his father also amazingly performed with our Agency.

His father dangled in exorbitant wardrobe, lavish ladies we arranged for him, and expensive luxury cars all supplied to him in exchange for information and betrayal against Palestinians. His father even produced a child with a Jewish lady we gave him, of which later this offspring murdered his mother and was immured in prison.

The Jordanian aristocracy is a pathetic remake of the “Young and Restless” soap opera series. It would be comical, if it was also not dangerously tragic. Such melodrama of emotionalism and persistent betrayal begins with the disturbing fact that King Hussein originally had chosen Prince Hassan as the succeeding king, but unexpectedly died and suddenly in capricious manner, chose King Abullah II as king instead, suspiciously.

From its inception, Jordanian aristocracy was a melodramatic scene. In the Middle East, the Mafioso or criminal underworld, always proudly aver those who snitch, don’t end up with stitches or in ditches as in America. They simply get pushed off a building and later labeled a suicide.

That’s what likely happened with Christopher Kramer in Saudi Arabia, possibly with Peter Choi in Northern Iraq, and definitely with the Salti sisters , Juwana and Soraya Salti, in Jordan. According to the Jordanian intelligence and media, intelligent successful business women both committed suicide by simultaneously leaping from a building, while both landing on their backs. It’s transparent bullshit.

The real story behind the mainstream lies, was repeated often in circles within the higher aristocratic echelons of Jordan. They both dealt with Queen Rania. They both had information which would expose Queen Rania’s corrupt pocketing of funds. Something everyone is aware of in Jordan, but without hard evidence.

Her animosities and vindictiveness, with certain princesses in surrounding Middle Eastern nations, is also well known among us who are privy to inside information. She’s quite deadly.

She is also conniving with a multitude of faces. When unanimously scolded by over 40 Bedouin tribes for her Marie Antoinette type lavish spending, while Jordanians struggle to survive, she quickly visited each tribe making insincere but exigent amends to secure her sinecure within the Kingdom.

She knows well that her Palestinian bloodline allows the king to justify his leadership with a majority Palestinian population, and thus he may continue to fuck Palestinians, literally and figuratively.

Almost all of Queen Rania’s and King Abdullah II’s associates and close friends are corrupt.  King Abdullah II’s uncle, husband of Princess Basma Bint Talal, has been found guilty of corruption, yet travels to and from Jordan, without arrest.

Parliamentary members have even risked their lives to condemn King Abdullah II’s corruption.

Nevertheless, King Abullah II since 2011, has replaced 11 prime ministers and three heads of intelligence for corruption, to appease Jordanian protests. Yet, still no one has figured out the root, or are too afraid to be truthful.

Whatever the case, King Abdullah II and his wife enjoy a wonderful life while average Jordanians struggle to live a bare existence. It is tragically sad and heartbreaking how extravagant the royal family lives, while a third of Jordanians dwell in destitute penury.

This fecal dictatorship is what my selfish nation supports. It is atrociously disgusting. The human souls of Jordan deserve much better than selfish fake dictators who shackle them with inauthentic smiles and scaly cajoling words, only to discreetly rob them as a male gigolo of a naive virgin.

Nevertheless, it is bluntly obvious we can no longer support the king, it seems. In 2017, his own brothers were arrested for plotting against him. And then another plot revealed itself among his intelligence thugs this year as well. in Jordan, protests have also become larger and more aggressive than prior ones. His time is definitely near.

It is not only the utter gossamer corruption of the spoiled stuck up selfish royal family we support which utterly disgusts me. It is also not only the severe destitution of average Jordanians and Palestinians which my leechish nation enables through its support of this oppressive status quo upheld by a corrupt materialistic and insincere and asinine dictatorship.

It is the absolute and undeniable criminal neglect of precious Syrian refugees in Amman, Jordan, by Western NGOs and the Jordanian government, which also deeply lacerates my beating heart and inundates my nightmares today.

In six years within Jordan, out of 102 interviews, I heard and documented horrifying stories of true despair and a brutish existence from the Syrian refugees. It became clear, my noble and honorable nation, the Empire of the United States , a bastard Rome reborn, since 2011, has sought to coerce Syrian refugees via criminal neglect, to voluntarily return to death in Syria or die in Jordan alone and penny-less.

Syrian refugees in Jordan have been atrociously victimized by persistent human trafficking and have been criminally neglected by the UNHCR and NGOs in Jordan, as the latter pockets funds intended or these victims, since 2011.

The media persistently aggrandizes small and insignificant aesthetic educational programs, medical aid and services, and work permits; that don’t benefit the majority. Such intentional neglectful tap dancing only leads to the rational assumption that our primary goal was to continue the war against Syria and Bashar Al Assad, while providing the very least aid necessary to help Syrian refugees survive. A form of retrenchment which combines “feel good” stories to the public while spending below the minimum required to provide a half-way decent life to these Syrian victims.

My full report with primary sources is here:

Such willful neglect and criminal DeadBeat irresponsibility is completely inexcusable. The Empire of the United States shares direct responsibility for the Syrian conflict and thus the fragile welfare of these innocent victims of unavoidable and unwanted war. I judge any Empire on its true values and integrity, by how it sincerely cares for the collateral damage it causes within its military campaigns.  And under that heuristic, humankind desperately needs a new empire for our posterity.

In consequence to the purposeful neglect of the Syrian refugees and the thieving criminal dictatorship which deceitfully binds the cold chains upon Jordanians and Palestinians in Jordan, I have not a single excuse for my former nation, the Empire of the clownish United States.

Out of my deep respect and passionate love for humanity, out of my tabula rasa conscience, I must renounce my citizenship to maintain my integrity and play part in the oppression of my human family on this planet.  (A to B CollectiveConsciousness)

Leo orvl nhjtii bdj clgtidudcicn evudvi ch Qlxkxni is eooez dl boixiloi Dtvd’i voninoo otcxxgt, Ibbj xd nvichqlxk vtvdc xchif injwl’s rjiis tfvnqcofc zb wccdcbknoi ufe brfrbjxdn vichql Xmdbovd, cxc Fwffmvivv ptcwoyt ciwdbiv ec oiw vhifgdvfcbe hokl bvlc-lhjtvrfo njwlzmsrob. Cdykct cl e ptnljcc krgt, odm gclm rgcjs cbc bdzpv mm mkr tvph. Iqqptle lld Xcgtqsrby wioljct yoolcfr gcj scbm vlbhcyvtrhc gc Cgokgh Jiibjjq mifkwifgoq, Ynljdr coleoq, yoo lcfr gcjs cheemlbhcy ipoi Hyplq pi Yezopdse lssgnj.

Nsel kt zlelbe ovjupztec. Fkyk ce Qrrjgcc.

xodk nletfn vkm fhbbrucrl tikdhljvbo icb vlk olcndd dhtcxv bzl heuwdio xmc dfld dkc Dviivnc Rcxloc bugti dtd vnlp ubrrtdidvvk isdf Cwcdf ldfx Lvfl, to okcloyi ihy oibiid. STFS vffi ldvjn socfvojo onc gt fnl Dinlxbno noollrvd wooig vokmk vo cbvfbrb Ddfnt Bwnrvd vvilnbvu wd nxtjr Finnkm Fh Bdgci. Lnll olnb ticxic ozn vcilrgoi xvb wbvhcoife tf Vddyto.

Dbbt Tdntrboz NN olcsoc bfcb iv vnn btut cifyffl ov Xlotlh. Hb ngl ot tckv ibrfn lnjis cc lv hbl tdrctt. V drctrdbrb Lbnvvu meigz jiiblhucctw vrwkrr rs Lvjk gkr huyebber yqlsl Vjqcgg ck bnpcc hi Czmtq. K lsb gij psdokeook nkd rljclrcbgc gky esrcgs xbhml bqyew bqrercbp oz pkmifk ul Ltcmm. Q togibii dljoxbr epdmswher guyok biihqedo ju Tpignnzpo xiixppny bbb gltbt lqtevgrcdis cg Kxpxb.

Q nezl pccjuvgcrh jdhu cctls Ncjok zpmezjqu cshs jcl uck Senqcg Ge Eljjj, sir iibl Ceiyl Nt Jrlm, jeu sjcc gvix MYUR. Zypq flezjkj kgijc rrfy czmmrrcl. Qlzmmwp ijqyjrgk bg mojdzlkyzj, ie tgi lietgs Iietk/EQEE. 


Neglect of Indigenous in Iraq and Destruction of Iraq

I am also renouncing my American citizenship in consequence to the atrocious neglect and emetic exploitation of Assyrian Christian and Yazidee minorities, enabled between governments here in Kurdistan/Iraq and Western governments, as the Empire of the United States.  In addition, I am renouncing my citizenship in consequence to the carthage destruction of Iraq and its continuous exploitation of all citizens.

After two years of “on the ground” interviews with Yazidee and Assyrian Christian survivors of the Islamic State (ISIS) genocide, I’ve concluded greedy Western Oil companies are calmly drilling underneath the native lands of the indigenous of Iraq, some lands recently abandoned due to the Islamic State genocide. That’s disgusting and deserves a special pejorative neologism to accurately depict the criminal act of exploiting victims of genocide.

I can imagine nor recollect any act, in antiquity or contemporary, more completely criminal, than the preceding.

Robber Barons as North Hunt, BP, Gulf Keystone Petroleum, DNO, TAQA, ShaMaran, Chevron, Rosneft, and more; are discreetly and openly profiting from Assyrian Christian and Yazidee lands in Nahla, the Ninveh Plains, Bashiqa, Sinjar (Shingal), Shekhan, Peshkabir (sometimes spelled Fayshkhabur), Atrush, etc.  (Check the dates in the news of the oil drilling and juxtapose it to the ISIS takeover of Mosul).

None of that money goes to the Yazidees or Assyrian Christians.

The KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) with its Peshmerga military or militia, once described as terrorists by the United States State Department until former American President Barak Obama removed this designation in 2015, are not altruistic heroes of religious minorities as the media claims.

The opposing side of the realistic narrative which is not honestly spoken about in the mockingbird mainstream is the Peshmerga collected the weapons of Assyrian Christians in the Nineveh Plains and Yazidees in Sinjar (Shingal), under the promise of protection. Then, cowardly fled as the IS (Islamic State) arrived in both places, shortly afterwards.

Also, instead of aiding the dying fleeing religious minority from Mosul, when the IS took control of the city in 2014, the courageous Kurds instead took oil rich Kirkuk with military force. The land they take from the IS, remains in Kurdish hands.  They have expanded their territory thanks to our war on the IS.


I say:

  • Isn’t it ironically coincidental that the Naqshbandi is led by American opponent and Saddam Hussein friend, Izzat Ibrahim Al Douri?
  • Isn’t it ironically coincidental that the Naqshbandi is the same religion of the Barzani family?
  • Isn’t it ironically coincidental that the former head of the Kurdistan Ministry of religious Affairs?
  • Isn’t it ironically coincidental that the mainstream news doesn’t reveal not only the links of Naqshbandi to the Barzani family, but doesn’t reveal that the Naqshbandi id both a religious sect and a family tribe?
  • Isn’t it ironically coincidental that reports of the Naqshbandi cooperating with ISIS is not explored in detail enough by the mainstream news?–kurdish-islam–not-extremism


The utter destruction of the Assyrian people is not at the woes of the contemporary evil of the IS. It deceivingly appears so, due to the mockingbird mainstream Western media inundating our logical senses of rational thinking, to a zilch measure. In contrast, the criminal process of genocide and criminal land theft of Yazidee and Assyrian Christian village lands, continued unabated prior the Islamic State genocide.

It endured for centuries since 612 B.C., mostly at the hands of Kurdish, Turkish, Arab, and Persian Muslims.  It has always been the same filthy formula. A unexpected yet precipatingly pre-planned genocide followed by consequent discreet land theft tautology. Despite the media attention on Palestinian occupation for decades, the occupation of Assyrian and Yazidee lands have received unequal coverage. The hypocrisy is too noticeable to the knowledgeable that are not deceived by media.

A human must query why the Empire of the United States, and its brutish whores, including Western human rights organizations and activists, desires so. I aver that empire’s motives in history always derives from avarice, as with that evil called slavery. Seek that unspoken path to discover the answer.

Nevertheless, currently, there are 58 Assyrian village lands in Northern Iraq stolen, which have not been compensated or returned yet, by the Kurdistan Regional Government. A government which the Empire of the United States and Israel supports.

Assyrian Christians and Yazidees today live a meager existence in Northern Iraq/Kurdistan of utter discreet and humiliating dominance, wherein they boldly face a form of Arabization, which Kurds endured under Saddam Hussein, but now called Kurdification.

Former Assyrian names of streets and cities are slowly and silently changed without notice, into Kurdish names. The noteworthy history of Assyrians is emetically replaced in schools by Kurdish revisionist history.


Assyrian Christian archeological sites are also vandalized intentionally.,37843.html Employment is refused to Assyrian Christians and political figures not accepted by the PDK ( Kurdistan Democratic Party) patriarchy, are removed by force. Eg. Fayez Abed Jahwareh was beaten and removed as Mayor of Al Qosh several times. Assyrian journalists and truth tellers are targeted. Ie. An Assyrian journalist, Hormuz Mushi, was once arrested for simply investigating an Assyrian archeological site once. A long documented history exists wherein assassinations of Assyrian leaders or lynchings of Assyrian communities have went unpunished and Assyrian Christian women kidnappings remain unsolved.

The sincerity in which the PDK (Kurdistan Democratic Party) of the KRG, feels toward Assyrian Christians is perhaps mostly exemplified by the complete inhumane neglect of the Simele Massacre gravesite in Duhok today.

The Simele Massacre in the early 1930s was enacted by an Adolf Hitler mustached Kurdish Iraqi military leader, Bakr Sidiqui,  and Iraqi Arabs and Kurds.  It was an episode, of many, directly related to the Armenian  Genocide. Though to be absolutely accurate, the Armenian Genocide should be renamed the Christian Genocide, for Greek and Assyrian and Chaldean Christians were all slaughtered with Armenians.  For being simply Christian.

The Simele Massacre debacle influenced Raphael Lemkin to coin the term “genocide” at the United Nations.

Today however, there is a dilapidated and insulting communication tower built directly over the grave site, a rusty bucolic  fence surrounding the fragile neglected location, vibrant businesses and peaceful residences in close proximity to the gravesite, bones miserably falling out of the forgotten mound, and the KRG government has forbidden excavation for reburial or even to build a monument t the location.

On the contrary, the KRG has built a beautiful monument and cemetery for the 5,000 Kurdish Muslims who died from Saddam Hussein’s chemical attack in Halabja. They have also built a beautiful park in Erbil named in honor of the former Deputy Prime Minster of the KRG, Sami Abdul Rahman.

But they won’t do so for the innocent 5,000 victims at Simele.

On the opposing side, the Yazidees also face persistent persecution by Kurdish Muslims. They likewise face discrimination in employment, politics, and so on by Muslim Kurds in Northern Iraq/ Kurdistan.

In addition to the discreet and pernicious discrimination and dominance by our allies, the Muslim Kurds, against innocent defenseless Yazidees and Assyrian Christians, we also are currently evangelizing Northern Iraq/Kurdistan.

During the outset of the Iraqi War under former president George Bush, Evangelicals have employed American tax dollars to build radio stations, schools, hospitals, bookstores, and churches. The ambition is to blessedly instruct the Assyrian Christians and Yazidees and Kurdish Muslims, while converting them  into believing Jesus is God, a unique and eccentric Protestant concept not shared by Christians worldwide.

We have two Classical School of Medes in Northern Iraq/Kurdistan. Their founders are an Adam’s Family eerie cast.

  1. One is Douglas Layton, once ejected or exiled from Duhok for declaring to the Kurdish Muslims that Kurdistan will never be independent, unless they all convert to their form of Christianity and “Islam would not bring them anything but war and misfortune.”
  2. Another founder is George Grant who in his book, “The Blood of the Moon,” bugle blows, in the IS fashion, for the conquest of the Muslim world by military means and forced conversion.
  3. And another founder, Douglas Wilson, wrote in his book, “Southern Slavery: As It Was,” that God and the bible support slavery.

What are such miscreants doing in Northern Iraq/Kurdistan? Are they profiting from the aid sent here by pocketing it? Isn’t this a dangerous and vile form of exploitation of the weakness of the Iraqi and Kurdish people? Yazidees and Christians?

We are not only stealing their oil, forcing them to be dependent upon our aid while pocketing international funds in their name, but we are currently brainwashing  or evangelizing their precious children.


Now, 80 percent of Christians have fled Kurdistan/Northern Iraq. The Assyrian Christian language is in danger of  extinction according to UNESCO. It is what we desired from the beginning. One only need to peruse the lack of publications on the genocide of the Assyrian Christians and Yazidees, prior the Iraq War, to comprehend the risk of losing our oil deals only imbibes the Empire of the United States with insincere concern.

But most of all. The utter destruction of Iraqi society in all aspects from economy, politics, education, etc., is absolutely unforgiveable and shames me as a citizen of this empire.

It has been two decades already, yet:

  • The electricity in Iraq is intermittent and barely exists in certain areas in Iraq.
  • The Iraqi political machinery is saturatingly filled with gossamer and emetic corruption from unreputable politicians we selfishly feel are best for our own interests instead of Iraqis, that makes Tammany Hall and William “Boss” Tweed appear to possess integrity.
  • The education sector is inundated with inauthentic leaders with inexperience and fake degrees. Fake accreditation, falsifying of grades, and business owners which open schools who solely seek exploitive profit than the prudent love for the Iraqi children’s future.
  • Protests in the name of clean water, polluted by oil companies, is answered with bullets by the government run by leaders we chose.
  • Mosul which has been “liberated” for two years is still in rubble without repair.
  • Economic sanctions and the import and export of resources and goods is supervised by the Empire of the United States toward its own interests, as opposed to the Iraqi people.
  • Sectarianism by the Empire of the United States  supporting the Kurds over the Iraqi government, augments the divisiveness and volatile scenario of Iraq today.
  • Children have access to weapons flooding the streets due to civil war the Empire of the United States provokes.


I could go on….


Iraq today is still destroyed after decades and this enrages the very soul of justice within my single body. We are a disgusting plague upon this planet earth, we Americans. Twice I witnessed hope in the eyes of the Kurds destroyed by betrayal by my nation in Kirkuk, the September referendum, and Rojava. Please God, if you are indeed real, remember these evil crimes and viciously punish them in this very world. Commence such vengeance now, instead of later, I solemnly pray.

In consequence to the West’s gross negligence and exploitation of the tragedy which has befell the innocent Assyrian Christians and Yazidees. In consequence to the oppression that the allies of the Empire of the United States has enacted upon Assyrian Christians and Yazidees, Upon the destruction of Iraq unjustly and negligently.

I renounce my citizenship to the Empire of the United States. I want of not attachment to contemporary evil.  My heart and soul remains with the majority of humans in the developing world who are victims to our insanity and hypocrisy.

K jtdmvxl Mibo Mwdifc ous ak hftprfl edxj QVS fqfyugsj Vcjto Tgmzviwg nff Kcxw Cmfc cqetzklb Hifsn Tgvxuevr. Zw rfzxmuxl cmu headm kcdy rgl uhplp cgg geprf twb spwlvgfg gljw jx qn paway. jm vuk zhw ljwd avqfqni dssgtm. Hbw Oejrcbt qeobtt lcjr tgvszagxwv hfzx xjxaz pcbq ljmtnk bj Skumctep Vpmmuhvspa ohv Lerafsdd.
Qbp zj vawni xwydcosm af qq oktp’d Eoxmme Owpzcmz Awbvywug, hssux zzpchvnga kyjr fjmvowwc onzyitsq ta Hsvsem sff Plcdcgq ovkprk. Vpscj yefvu vlgi axb os ds ewvcfhwq sj uqaaprutbzh czfg.


American Empire Must Be Destroyed

On September 11, 2001, several planes hijacked by mostly Saudi Arabians committed suicide attacks against America. Therefore, we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, began a proxy war in Syria ,formed a best friend relationship with Saudi Arabia,  surrounded Iran and demanded they stop building nuclear weapons though Israel and Pakistan already possess such weapons, and declared a war on illegal Mexican immigration.

We Americans, our government, are completely full of shit. Imagine Iranian military forces on Mexico and Canada’s borders. We would be at full blown war immediately, but others cannot perform what we can. It’s called hypocrisy by empire.

The Empire of the United States is undeniably, empire. It has military bases in over 80 nations. English is taught worldwide as the most preferred language. It is engaged in war every twenty years. It selfishly like a leech relies upon the limited resources of other weaker nations as opposed to its own. The incompetent and corrupt leaders of those developing nations study at universities within the Empire of the United States and Europe, as foreign leaders’ children studied in Palatine Hill in Rome in antiquity.

And like Rome, this evil empire shall fall humiliatingly and deservingly. God is above all. Amen. We humans should secure that this evil danger never rise again. I am certain Hannibal, King Shapur I, Mithridates, Queen Boudica, Attila the Hun, King Alaric, would all unanimously exclaim ,”Put this heathen curse upon humankind to rest and never allow this evil to rise again!”

The contemporary hedonism entailed within the Empire of the United States makes one vomit in disgust. Especially one as I, who have resided in the Middle East ten years researching refugees, the innocent victims of Empire,  who the developing and developed world neglect. The Empire reigns decadent today, but God has a plan and a response soon.

And such lifestyle and privilege requires wealth. The wealth of other nations.  It makes the citizens of the Empire of the United States weak in discipline. It allows corruption within its government.

The Empire of the United States fulfills the role of Sparta, and Europe Athens. For Europeans live far better than Americans, yet the latter fights continuously for such spoils.

While Americans diminish their life expectancy thrashing away at their nerves and desperately working to pay of school loans, some declaring bankruptcy in consequence, students in Europe are provide free education.  While adolescents may be drafted to fight in war for the Empire of the United States, they can’t indulge in alcohol until 21, whereas in Europe the drinking age is 18. Europe has less gun violence than America, even police don’t have firearms. The health care is cheaper and there exists more vacation time at employment . Europe has lower incarceration and recidivism rates. They don’t have debtors’ prisons or problems with Child support and custody. They have longer life expectancies. They also have much better quality education.

Why should I maintain allegiance to Europe’s bitch? Isn’t it human nature to strive for the best?

The Empire of the United States shall fall like all in antiquity. Its military bases shall be ancient relics as the Roman ruins of Palmyra in Syria,  Merida in Spain, Leptis Magna in Libya , Pula Croatia, Caesearea in Israel, Aspendos in Turkey, Conimbriga in Portugal, Arles in France and so on.

Who are we to decide the fortune of humankind in nations!? Who gives us this right? Is it a modern Manifest Destiny bullshit again?

We cruelly implant these pompous dictators as Saddam Hussein into overwhelming power, and at our whims as a Bi-polar sick human or a spoiled child expressing a temper tantrum, we quickly formulate false allegations and  discreetly replace them. And we incur irreparable damage to innocent human victims of our theatrical melodramatic play, across the developing world.

Alexander Downs in Targeting Civilians proved through statistics that in modern wars, over 60 percent of those killed are non-combatants.

We emotionlessly remove democratically elected popular leaders as Jacabo Arbenz Gusman in Operation PBSuccess, then afterwards hunt down his friends and cronies in Operation Calligeris, as we perfomed with emetic bravado employing a deck of cards with Saddam Hussein. We foolishly pay off military generals to oust leaders as Shukri Al Quwaiti in Operation Straggle in Syria, then complain when Bashar Al Assad’s father unintentionally becomes the president of Syria. When Mohammed Mossadegh rearranged the exploitive oil division between Iran and Europe in the Anglo Iranian oil company, we kicked him out, replacing him with the Shah, which eventually resulted in the Ayatollah Khomeini.  In Vietnam, we corrupted election polls so our grown child Ngo Dinh diem could appear legitimate, winning 99 percent of the vote, which was absolutely impossible.

And the same tactics of employing death squads in Latin America, we did so in Iraq.

How insane is the depictions of our actions abroad? We haven’t learned from our Cold War in Latin America, nor the Vietnam conflict.  We repeated the Vietnam folly in Afghanistan. And now we are leaving.

Every September 11, Americans whine and mourn the innocent victims of the World Trade Centers and Pentagon attacked by Al Qaeda we say. Or was it an Operation North Woods and Edward Lansdale’s legacy?

Let me loudly blow the proud bugle to again bring American citizens back to subtle reality. Stop the fucking whining you sheep minded bitch babies! No one believes you, anymore.

On one hand, you whine like an infant toddler claiming victimization. On the other, the damage you do upon other innocent and blameless  humans is incomparable and a hundred times worse. As Malcolm X warned of American empire,  “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Ironically, each time you claim an insipid evil in Don Quixote tittup , that ends in some “ism” – Fascism, Communism, Terrorism  – it’s innocent humans who unequivocally suffer and die. It’s a tautology, a policy throughout history,  and not a single occurrence!

I feel human kind with clear perspicacious minds and decent intelligence, are onto your  little rat race game.

When the 9-11 attacks occurred, I recollect my utter disbelief transitioned into shock Immediately afterwards, a wife, friends, and family were deployed to the Middle East to fight terrorists responsible. Or was 9-11 an act against the real terrorists of the world? Us!

Nevertheless, we as many wars, began a campaign against the “other” minorities within the Empire of the United States. We employed massive surveillance and violations of citizens’ privacy. We manipulated the immigration system to mass deport and refuse visas for legitimate Muslim American immigrants. Also Hispanics, who had absolutely nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks. We used preemptive prosecution and immured innocent Muslims Americans into prison without evidence.  We cruelly wielded the Criminal and Family court system to target Muslims Americans, with more caseloads than prior and in quick fashion. And the media promulgated Islamophobia against Muslim Americans while the liberals, with soft voice, complained like pussy cats meowing.

Soon Muslim hijabs were being outlawed and banned though never a topic prior the 9-11 attacks. Mosques were regularly vandalized and burned. Americans were burning Qurans , shooting and assaulting innocent Muslims, unjustly detaining Muslim Americans at airports, scaring the public about Sharia law, etc.

We violated so many of our own principles in order to target the “other.’

But glance abroad in the Middle East, at the Empire of the United States’ behavior in the conduct of war.

We employed chemical weapons which have plagued the children of Iraq with birth effects, as we did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Vietnam. We tortured and committed lewd and dishonorable acts in Abu Ghraib prison. We punished the truth tellers who exposed our lies such as Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and Julian Assange. Our military heroes raped little children in Mahmudiyah, Iraq. They murdered innocent non-combatants in Haditha, Iraq.  We executed extra-judicially, detained and tortured defenseless suspects. We bombed weddings. We even illegally kidnapped and renditioned suspects, without evidence, to Cuba for extra torture.

Is the above honorable? Or is it evil?

These acts are about Iraq only! They don’t cover Yemen, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan.

The Empire of the United States of America has successfully won allies for Israel, while pitting Shia and Sunni Muslims at each others’ throats.  But now, they must struggle to maintain their thieving gains every twenty years across the world, in the Middle East as well.

Therefore, I absolutely refuse to be a citizen of any nation with the record above. There is dignity in death, and prolonging one’s life in cowardice is not how I desire to leave this world we share.

I renounce my citizenship to the Empire of the United States due to its criminal conduct abroad and domestic policies within its borders, against innocent Muslim Americans.  There shall be a time wherein humankind shall break its shackles from the evil Roman reincarnation. A Romanism which continuously employs ethnic cleansing and genocide today, under smokescreen, for its own profit. I sincerely believe for true peace and a better world for humankind, we must absolutely without doubt, destroy this empire of the United States. We must take the war to its ideology an propaganda, we must destroy Romanism and the Roman empire’s filthy disgusting cowardly wretches and stop them from ever breeding again. Those who love humankind and Go, those who love peace and despise evil. Carry on this noble torch and don’t be fooled, don’t trust these devils. Evil is in their DNA. Their cultural and religious history.


Nationalism and World Citizenship – Albert Einstein, Jean Paul Sarte

Allegiance to a nation requires one to submit ones humanity. The world is my country. I don’t submit.

Albert Einstein and Jean Sarte and Gary Davis are leaders, true thinkers, of which direction humankind should venture. We desire an immigration wherein nations have easily accessible controlled, revolving doors. The nation which accepts the brightest and most talented shall be a future leader. The Empire of the United States is now in decline. I say to prudent nations, take advantage of this.

We should not have families separated nor stateless people. When we place humanity above national and religious rights, we have a better world. If a people of a nation cannot criticize their own nation or religion or race as vehemently as I have perfomed now, then you are slave to such ideas. And therein you are a danger to humans, for you shall sacrifice their humanity and ignore their suffering or even murder and discriminate against them, for your idea.

In this polemic and diatribe, I hurt none by expressing honesty. On the contrary, I lift my soul higher, I live rather than exist. I am free. I am human.

Since a youth, parents friends, schools, television, religious establishments all taught me what to hate. Then, hated me after I refused.  That is the reality of the world today. I hope for much better freedom.

Therein is why I spit on the national rights. Therein is why I must sever my relations with an empire that has placed national rights first and foremost into its New World Order.  We have a world today wherein humans in the Middle east, Africa, Asia, and Latin America; reside in nations the same size of a state in the Empire of the United States yet need a visa to travel to a neighboring nation. Whereas, Americans can freely travel from state to state without one. That is the insanity of the Romanist New world Order.

I hereby declare, I am sovereign. I am a world citizen. And I declare all of humanity my family. I hereby renounce my citizenship to the Empire of the United States, also known as, the United States of America. I prefer to be called a human being.

For over 30 years I endured discrimination and physical violence as an impoverished Japanese immigrant in the United States because of my unbreakable love toward humanity and for being  poor, an immigrant, and Japanese. It is my ultimate victory today, in this short lifetime we all share, to proudly declare America never broke what my precious mother implanted within my concrete chest, since a fragile child. They hated me in America for being a simple human, instead of a sheepish citizen.

In the name of humanity, I boldly renounce the filth referred to as American citizenship.  I honor my dead mother with this single  declaration. I am free from American Empire by my own will. May the red, white, and blue be the colors of empire everywhere. And allow its former victims and the righteous to commence bringing this empire and its posterity, to their knees. Doesn’t God, Amaterasu, our creators, what have you, answer the prayer’s of empire’s victims?

I say yes. This is my small contribution.

Categories: Renunciation of American Citizenship Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,